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Ten oz

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Everything posted by Ten oz

  1. On separating families the Trump admin hit the news circuit this weekend blaming Congress, the media, and Democrats. The First Lady appealed to the tired "both sides" platitude apparently unaware her own husband could stop this at any time with executive action. Sec of DHS blamed the media and flatly denied anything there has been any change in policy. While Trump himself blamed Democrats. The incompetence in even having a consistent message on this matter would have been enough to damage previous administrations. Sadly people have grown so use to Trump's dishonest approach to governance that the clear contradictions and lies coming from his own inner circle doesn't really matter.
  2. Collusion or not Trump sure does behave like someone in cooperation with Putin. Seem Russia may be getting more out of the Kim Jung-un Trump meeting than is the U.S. or our allies.
  3. Putin, Assad, and Kim Jung-un are all being rewarded by the Trump administration. Trump denies Russia's engagement in propaganda attacks in the U.S. while being a pro Russian advocate among or allies, Assad no longer has to worry about being accountable or losing power, and Kim Jung-un too now can rest easier knowing that his legitimacy has been fully acknowledged and celebrated POTUS. The future in unknowable but surely this admin support of strongmen around the world will have lasting negative consequences.
  4. The whole situation is just unbelievable. When Obama floated the idea of meeting with Kim Jung-un he was eviscerated by all political sides. Every foreign policy adviser both Democrat and Republican cautioned against meeting without clear concessions in place in advance. On the left moderates wondered out loud if Obama was just to green and inexperienced while on the right he was called totally incompetent. I bring that up not to point out the right contradicting itself but rather so highlight the fact that meeting Kim Jung-un was universally understood to be a bad idea. We rewarded Kim Jung-un for threatening his neighbors and the world. Now Trump is running around lavishing praise on Kim Jung-un calling him talented and applauding his ability to hold power at such a young age. You can't make this stuff up.
  5. Considering what an out spoken critic he was with regards to racism I think more context for the comments is required. We are talking about someone who actively gave speeches, interviews, participated ideas for books, and authored papers. He views, at least publicly, on the issue are known. In lieu of that I would give Einstein the benefit of doubt because life's work is more relevant than off color remarks never meant for consumption. As an example I love my wife and hold a very high opinion of her intellectually. That isn't to say that as an emotional creature I have never slandered her out of temporary bought of jealously, impatience, or general moodiness. Anyone attempt to use those moments to extrapolate that I didn't love my wife or don't hold a high opinion of her would simply be wrong. We all do and say stupid things we know, often immediately, are wrong. I have no way of knowing if those were Einsteins true feelings in those remarks or just but his life's work implies he was a tolerate person relative to his peers. You do not know this to be true. It makes no sense to argue Einstein spoke out against racism because he wanted the majority of people, who at the time were racist themselves, to think that he wasn't racist when in fact he actually was. The face we show the world most often tends to be the face we most wish we had. When people misrepresent themselves publicly it is most often to hide things they embarrassed. If Einstein was embarrassed by being racist and instead lied about it that would imply he thought it was wrong to be racist. We are talking about a time in history when it was perfectly acceptable i polite society to be openly racist and sexist. Have you done much public speaking, writing, or etc? I am no celebrity on the scale of Einstein but I have done a fair amount of public speaking and my experience is that what I am willing to say out loud in front of others is often far more honest than the monologue rolling in my head. People lie, delude, exaggerate to and fool themselves all the time.
  6. You have already made in clear you think racism is okay in some circumstances. You are attempting to drag Einstein in as some sort of circumstantial evidence supporting your own world view. Einstein publicly spoke out against racism and supported the Civil Rights movement upon moving to the U.S.. You are ignoring his years of public activism which do not fit with your narrative in trade for a few remarks list on a non-publish journal. As for whether or not it is right to point out cultural differences in ethnicity that comes down to the definitions one is using, the accuracy of the observation, and conclusions one is attempting. If I say people in England drink a more tea than people in Mexico that is an accurate observational difference in cultures. If I then conflated ethnicity with race and stated that white people like tea more than Hispanic people I would just be just talking nonsense out my rear end. Likewise saying people in the U.S., wealthiest country in the world, do not follow Futbal with the same level of interest as do people in Brazil is an accurate observation. Continuing on use that observation to call Futbal a 3rd world sport would be ignorant.
  7. You are taking 30 year old (to his own death) remarks and adding your own context and then using that to argue that since Einstein was a bigot being a bigot is okay. It is a rather ridiculous position. Einstein having a negative view of people squatting when they relieve themselves tells you nothing about how Einstein felt about race, ethnicity, nationality, or etc. Moreover the comments were ugly and in no way shape or form support the notion that being racist is okay.
  8. Willing to acknowledge them in the 1920's in a non-public journal. You have no idea how he would have reflected on those comments had you asked him about them in the 30's, 40's, or 50's. I think many things that after more thought I conclude are wrong.
  9. I don't view Einstein as being on a pedestal. Rather I don't think it is fair to anyone to use their non-contemporary thoughts against them. As an ignorant 12yr old boy I once wrote a paper outlining the type of things I would do if I were President. My paper included absolutely disgusting things like arrest and execute all homosexuals. Something I absolutely do not agree with today. Granted Einstein wasn't 12yrs old in the 1920's but he didn't die until 1955 so who knows what his final views on such matters were. Einstein's public contributions were progressive for there time and more contemporary to who he was at his death than the remarks this thread is about. ****non contemporary thoughts with caveats. Obviously is Einstein sought to murder people in China or something all bets are off.
  10. Now Trump is casually joking around about the way KIm Jong-un viciously lords over his citizens.
  11. I am not the one who saw something in her to begin with and engaged in the conversation .
  12. Are people in China a different race than people in Japan? The observations weren't racial. Additionally Einstein died a few decades after writing those down. You and I have no idea if he came to feel more strongly or regretful about those ideas. I suspect regretful based on the work he did opposing racism and discrimination at large around the world.
  13. We are all guilty of not knowing otherwise basic bits of information. I thought Nova Scotia was in the UK until I was about 20yrs old. I had seen an old Sean Connery movie as a kid where he was playing an official in Nova Scotia and just associated Nova Scotia with the UK and figured they were geographically close.
  14. As a younger man I "dumped" a lot (relative to my own experience) of girls. Looking back it was me that was the problem. Every girl I ever dated was actually very nice and it is a shame they wasted their energy on this jerk, hahaha. In my experience (limited by gender, national culture, years of earth, etc) when an individual who is otherwise capable of meeting a mate remains single in adulthood the issue is with them and not with others. Some people do prefer being alone but often it comes down to an inability to truly empathize with others and share ones true self. I have never been on a date with someone perfect nor am I perfect. While on a date one can choose to enjoy it or not. When a person agree to date another it a rather big compliment when you stop to think about it. While on a date you are with someone who in theory has a high opinion of you. Turning that around into judgments about their intelligence is a bit petty. Dumping, kickin' to the curb, ghosting, and etc someone who simply likes you is immature behavior in my opinion. Not everyone is meant to be together but there are polite ways to end things and reflect upon them after they have ended. * I have been married for 10yrs now and barring some unforeseen circumstance will be for the rest of my life.
  15. I think you are grossly misinterpreting what he wrote and also completely ignoring the years of he spent advocating against racism.
  16. Which in no way shape or form supports your conclusion that is some cases racist is good. Rather you appear to loosely being saying that if someone as respected as Einstein did it than it must be good. If new evidence came to light that Einstein once murdered someone that would mean murder was okay. Merely, inaccurately, associating Einstein's name with your thoughts about about racism doesn't support those thoughts.
  17. Attraction transcends likeness of world view and information. I am not merely referring to sexual attraction. Some people are simply a pleasure to be around while others are not. What knowledge a person knows at any given time in their life often has a lot to do with upbringing and environment and not their over all intelligence and ability to form new and unique ideas. Someone who believes the earth is flat and just 10,000 yrs old can still have numerous positive personality traits. Also attitudes change with time. With regards to dating or even just hanging out with people socially I go by how I feel when I am looking in someones eyes. If the person strikes me as fun (my unique idea of whatever that is) then I will seek to spend more time with them. Religious belief and world view would not be a barrier to me dating someone if I were single.
  18. This conclusion is not supported by anything Einstein believed. It is your own unfortunate world view. Einstein publicly spoke out against racism for decades. You are taking a few comments not meant for public consumption and running wild with them.
  19. I don't disagree however until registration estimates are become votes on election night and counted we don't actually know if Trump has impacted people's awareness and interest is voting. We know Obama sure woke lots of white Evangelical conservatives. We saw the spikes on 2010.
  20. If the voter participation as a percentage is no higher than 2010, last initial mid term under a new POTUS, I don't see how you can quantify there has been any increase. Yes, everyday new people awake to Politics. That was true before Trump. If participation is down in 2018 I'd argue Trump has created more apathy toward politics than anything else.
  21. Even if the observation were true it still wouldn't provide any individual racist cover. Lots of people speed yet I can't use that as an excuse to get out of a speeding ticket.
  22. This remains to be seen.
  23. Einstein was opposed to the Racism. I think there is a lot of context missing in his negative comments about the cultures he criticized. Japan for example sided with the Nazis Einstein fled. I read his comments as put downs of nation's more so than races of people. Every country isn't a separate race and often when people dislike the behave of a country they dis it's people. Still ugly but there is a difference.
  24. 120 members voted for this. Regardless how one feels about the situation surely ignoring the world's community at large isn't a good idea.
  25. It is the anti participation trophy attitude on steroids. Only winners deserves anything. Those who participate but fail to win can f-off. Govt has no business rewarding its participants with healthcare, education, infastructure and etc. Only winners deserve to get anything out of their govt. Kim Jung-un is a winner. He is a wealthy authoritarian who dominates. Lots there for Trump to respect.
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