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Ten oz

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Everything posted by Ten oz

  1. Ten oz

    Right to Try Act

    The whole business wouldn't need to exist just to scam people. That is more of a worst case. If a company has already invested millions in a product why not re-coup some money and let desperate patients buy it. Maybe the company gets lucky and the drug helps some people or maybe the company knows it won't help but already has so much sunk it the research they just want some of the money back. 70% of drugs move past phase 1 but then only 33% move past Phase 2 and just 30% again past Phase 3. That means the overwhelming majority of drugs that get past Phase 1 ultimately go no where. Now companies can re-coup costs on their research by selling them to desperate people. https://www.fda.gov/ForPatients/Approvals/Drugs/ucm405622.htm You seem to be implying companies wouldn't do this because it would bad for them in the long run. Let's not forget what Alan Greenspan (former Fed Chair 87'-06') said post collapse in 2008 about such:
  2. Ten oz

    Right to Try Act

    Get rich schemes are seldom built around sustainable models. *"Seldom" is an overstatement. Rather they often are not sustainable. Many individuals have made millions and walked away rich leaving their companies bankrupt.
  3. Ten oz

    Right to Try Act

    My fear is that it opens the door to a variety of new drugs manufacturers can sell at a premium to desperate patients. Drugs which the manufacturers never honestly intend get through the FDA. Provided it isn't toxic manufacturers can sell anything as a possible, yet to be tested, cure for anything. Lots of opportunity to exploit people. What is to stop a someone from selling something that doesn't do anything as a cancer treatment? Provided they claim they were developing it for cancer and it wasn't toxic they be good to go. No requirement that the company has any evidence based reason to believe it will help.
  4. Until proof of visitation exists why take anything off the table? I agree that if aliens exist they probably aren't using aircraft build by Boeing. That said combustion exists throughout the universe; the Sun for example. Yep, there is evidence to support anything solidly.
  5. If we (humans) fail to identify the technology it would hidden from us without there needing to be any purposeful effect. More over this thread is about your opinion that more serious efforts should be committed to investigating UFOs which themselves can be described as avoiding detection. So if you understand if UFOs on earth are avoiding detection why wouldn't that apply to UFOs elsewhere? There is also enough material that Earth could have already been obliterated several times over by giant asteroids, swallowed into a black hole, or etc. Just because something can happen or likely will happen doesn't automatically mean it is happening at this moment. Some speculate tardigrades exist similar to this.
  6. Ten oz

    Right to Try Act

    Isn't that what this new law dispenses with?
  7. Ten oz

    Right to Try Act

    When my grandmother past I would have paid anything to anyone for a chance at just a few more hours. This has a dangerous potential. Even knowing better I might still give up everything I have if it were my wife who was sick and I thought there was a 0.1% chance of success.
  8. Putting tools on or around planets for the sake of observering them is literally what we (humans) do. So there is at least our example to show such does occur. If alien intelligence was anything like ours it reason they might do similar things.
  9. Ten oz

    Right to Try Act

    In my opinion it both leaves vulnerable to exploitation. For the false hope of being cured many terminally ill patients would probably pay anything. This also turns people in to test subjects pharmaceutical companies will use to increase shareholder value. Perhaps my fears are wrong. Is this ethical?
  10. Why does it matter if idiots have already made conspiracy theories about the Moon. Isn't that sort of you point about UFO's, that they aren't taken seriously enough in part because of some many hoaxes and the scientific community pretentiously being afraid of looking silly? What are your doubts based on?
  11. @Moontanman, do you feel the Moon is a good place to look for evidence of extraterrestrial visitation? If extraterrestrials existed and had intelligence which functioned akin to our the Moon would be a fairly obvious place to observe earth from. Along the lines of your view that enough isn't being done to investigate the possibility of extraterrestrials do you think more ET related investigation of the Moon is in order? Serious question. Not trolling you. In considering your position I thought about what made sense in my opinion. I think it makes sense that any intelligence visiting Earth would leave things behind to continue monitoring. The Moon seems like as good a place as any to use as an outpost.
  12. Muscle increase their energy storage (sugar/glycogen) and or tissue via repair. What determines which is the type of stress.
  13. Yep. It is very strange. The conservatives I know refuse to even stake out positions regarding what they think should or shouldn't happen seemingly to avoid contradiction if Trump selects something else. Trump himself oftens says "we'll see what happens" and that has become the mantra of his supporters. Nevermind what should happen or makes most sense. What will be will be, Trump will do Trump, and all that really seems to matter among conservatives is that crooked Hillary Clinton is not President. Sadly they fail to understand that what we (U.S.) does matters. We have conceded a seat at the table to Kim Jung-un. Such a move can not be reversed but a tweet or dismissive meme. It is good that our nation's are talking but Kim Jung-un is a murderer. What do we stand for anymore?
  14. On Sunday Trump further legitimized Kim Jung-un. It astonishes me that out right praise and subtle bribery towards a cruel "supreme leader" best known for killing his own people is treated so casually. When Trump was playing the tough guy talking about destroying North Korea his supporters applauded. Now that Trump is sucking up to Kim Jung-un his supporters are still applauding.
  15. This would imply that those who are best able to abstractly process information will always best solve challenges yet that isn't the case. Idiot savants are considered mentally disabled yet can have the ability to out perform the majority of people is specific disciplines. I agree. Natural selection is absolutely linked to reproduction. Genes are passed through reproduction. To current state of any species of animal is always a reflection of which among them reproduce. Intelligence is not always the trait selected for. Being more intelligent doesn't ensure survival. Crocodiles have been around 200 millions and to my knowledge are no more intelligent today than they were when dinosaurs roamed. Natural selection is not linear always moving towards intelligence.
  16. True. My overall point was that there are numerous reasons why people miss work and that it isn't a fact that women will miss more work throughout a full career than will a man. My anecdote aside there is truth to that point. People miss work following car accidents, illnesses, deaths in the family, and etc, etc, etc. A career is often littered interruptions. The OP references education. In my opinion a good career, one a person invests in education for, is nearly always one that offers stability in addition to good pay. A career where one would fear being fired or demoted due to paternity isn't a good one and probably isn't one people (male or female) invest in education for.
  17. In my opinion you asked a loaded question. It is your suggestion that having a child is a determent to a career and not a fact. In the U.S. where I am at it is common, depending on the type of career, for a women to continue to work through their whole pregnancy. Women are entitle to 12 weeks off following giving birth but many are back at work prior to that. I hardly see up to 3 months off as "giving up" ones career. In 2012 I ruptured my left Achilles playing basketball and required surgery. Between the lead up to surgery and the initial recovery I was at home for a month. Then when I did go back to work I had my own flexible schedule which allowed me to leave as needed for therapy appointments which lasted for another 12 weeks. At no point did I feel that I was jeopardizing my career and 6 years on I still work with the same organization and have been promoted twice. If time off and special accommodation for months had no impact on me (a male) why should it a female? I know from experience that time away and special accommodations aren't career killers. Moreover they are common. Most people in their working lives (30-40yrs) will miss work due to something. It is my opinion this is just something chauvinists exploit to justify their own bias views.
  18. I agree. I pointed out back in August of 2017 that Kim Jung-un was more experienced than Trump. Since that time Kim Jung-un has been able to strength his position with China, establish one on one negotiations with South Korea, and render U.S. opposition toothless with the bait of face to face talks. During the same time Trump has lost his Sec. of State, National Security Adviser, and undermined relations with China with on and off trade war talk. Kim Jung-un has done so well that at this point I think most world leaders would just prefer he stay in charge out of fear the govt following a coup could potentially be worse. In that sense Kim Jung-un now has international aligns committed to him as the best option for North Korean. Same turn of events as Assad is Syria.
  19. It is but neither Homo Sapiens are not and Neanderthals were not Herbivores so I do not know how to answer the question. My understanding is that Neanderthals had the same diet as Homo Sapiens did at the time they existed. That was before modern agriculture though. I have no idea if Neanderthals would be able to eat the same diet as we Homo Sapiens do today. Considering the rise in food allergies, digestive issues, and etc it could be argue Homo Sapiens shouldn't be eat as we are.
  20. I don't think matters. The question (OP) is how would we homo sapiens treat Neanderthals if they were alive today. My question about consciousness is sloppily asking if the ethics of Neanderthals would impact our own ethics. Can things like "treat others as you'd like to be treated" apply to those who may possibly think or treat themselves in ways separate from how we would? It is just a thought. I actually believe Neanderthals would be so much like us that it would take a trained observer to tell the difference.
  21. It does and I agree.
  22. To your point about Putin he appears to already be filling the gap as Marcon is in Russia attempting to find workable solutions for Iran, Syria, Ukraine, and NK. A meeting with Kim Jung-un has been discussed for years but the trigger was never pulled because it was broadly understood that such a meeting would legitimize Kim. It is along the same lines of not negotiating with terrorist, we don't give tyrants positive photo ops. This is exactly what Trump has done. I have no problem with the administration speaking with North Korea. Communication is critical. The error has been in the celebratory way Trump has promoted the talks. It has heightened Kim Jung-un's global stature. Trump has done what previous admins, regardless of party, knew better than to do. The notion of a free Korean peninsula free of the Kim family is dead. Kim Jung-un has been elevated from tyrant to accepted/respected leader of North Korea. North Korea's nuclear test sites are too damaged from previous tests for further use. Kim played to Trump's ego by letting Trump take credit for the closing of test facilities which had to be closed anyway do to Kim's own activity. In trade Kim has solidified his international standing. Two years ago the walls were closing in on Kim and his future was tenuous. Today Kim fields phone calls from leaders all over the world and his future in bright. All Kim really has to do at this point is not perform anymore testing (he already has nukes) and the global community is fine with now. It is a huge win for Kim Jung-un, huge.
  23. Trump lacks shame or integrity. This isn't an embarrassing situation for him. Trump has already basked in Noble Peace Prize talk high approval of his handling of the situation. For Trump this matter has already been won. Whatever happens next he will call someones else's fault. The actual outcome isn't that important to Trump or Republicans. What matters is that it plays wells and helps them maintain power after the midterm. I like sport analogies when discussing the current state of politics because so many on the right treat it as sport. Trump already won his Ring/Championship on this issue. Already performed his victory lap. Once an athlete has a ring no self respecting fan would allow it argued that said athlete isn't a winner.
  24. I agree Putin may step in and seize influence with NK. We (Trump admin) has already ceded the future Assad and of Syria to Putin.
  25. I asked multiple questions. Feel free to answer the "on topic" one.
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