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Everything posted by Medicore123

  1. Is there a simple test tube reaction (or reactions) that can be used to differentiate between hexane and cyclohexane? (So no mass spectrometry, boiling point analysis etc., or identification by smell). What about differentiating between hexane and benzene? By 'simple test tube reaction' I mean, for example, aldehydes produce a silver mirror with Tollens reagent whereas ketones don't react (standard conditions).
  2. Please could you briefly elaborate about how the inductance limits the charging rate?
  3. Assuming you had a power supply, a switch and a capacitor in series (no resistor and the wires/power supply have no resistance), would the capacitor charge instantaneously when you closed the switch (because the P.D. across the capacitor would become equal to the P.D. of the supply right away, I think)? The time constant, as far as I'm aware, would be = 0 seconds for this case. What would then happen if the switch was opened? NOTE: by 'instantaneous', I mean the rate of charge/discharge is only limited by the speed at which electric fields can propagate through space etc.
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