i'm occasionally crawling in the forum, but i just registered to have an opinion about my morning's shower idea
I, as a phD, read a lot of papers and write also a lot of lines, always focused on mine scientific interest.
Sadly, i lack spare time to write down other things, even if it's something i would really enjoy.
Some years ago, i spent some time on writing and produced 2-3 novels ; what a great satisfaction
So basically, my idea would be a novel contest, for scientist, based on published results.
One paper would be selected for a contest, and each applicant would have a predefined time to submit a novel or short text.
After that, other members could tell their favorite, and one novel would be selected as a best-in-class.
Nothing to win, except some pleasure.
What do you think ?
I'm thinking of putting that as a forum, allowing some user interactions too.. ?
[EDIT: typos]