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Everything posted by danielj

  1. hi all. I am reading John Gribbins popular science book 'In search of Schrodingers cat' at the moment and would be interested in your opinions or explanations of the following questions What are the origins of the probabilities that form a fundamental part of Quantum Theory. there is no explanation in the book, so far. It seems taken as a given that the probabilities just 'are'. For instance, when an electron or other packet of energy is emitted from the atom, the suggestion is that there is no way to confidently predict the moment precisely. I am aware of the concept of half lives. Could it be said that the probabilities exist because the events that cause the atom to emit a packet of energy are not predictable or detectable using current scientific instruments? do we have to use probabilities for this reason? Could the emmission of particles be caused entirely by the environment in which it resides? for instance, our solar system Could the probabilities be different in another part of the cosmos where the environmental conditions are different? my knowledge of QF is very basic and I am aware that these questions may be a bit simplistic teach me please thank you Dan
  2. hello everyone, my name is Daniel. I am interested in all of the sciences and love to learn new things about the universe. I have a very basic knowledge of science, mostly gained through popular science books, of which I have read many. The first popular science book I read was Cosmos,by Carl Sagan. This is what got me interested in science and the universe. I have been reading posts for some time with interest. As my basic knowledge has improved I find that there are more questions than answers, and I hope to put some of those questions to like minded people. hi Dan
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