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Flatulence Master

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  1. I've been wanting to teach myself some field of science that I really enjoy doing during holidays so I don't get bored and I've come upon the decision of learning anatomy (mostly human, but some veterinary anatomy too would be cool). I'm not worried about the level of difficulty and commitment it takes to learn anatomy and I will also not be able to do dissections unless I become bored (or crazed) enough to dig up a dead body.I've got a pretty good understanding of physiology and microbiology so I don't plan on reading first-time beginner texts. I've done some searching on my own and have found books that I believe will be helpful: -The Language of Medicine 9e by Davi-Ellen Chabner - Grey's Anatomy for Students 3e - Atlas of Human Anatomy 6e by Frank Netter (I would get Rohans, but like I've said before, I won't be doing any human dissections.) These are only what I've been able to find through previously answered suggestions (which don't fit the way I'm going to learn anatomy), so I'm hoping to get some professional advice on questions like how I should go about self-teaching myself about this topic and if the books listed above are good ones to use? If not, what would be better? Are there any other additional items I may need to get? (I'm hoping to stay within a $300 price range.) Please answer quickly.
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