It was thought a few hundred years ago that the earth was flat. Just as now, it is said that energy cannot go faster than the speed of light, the cosmic speed limit. Though in a simple observation you will learn energy can move a lot faster than light. Take 19 0's such as <0000000000000000000> with a line at the end. Let each 0 represent 10,000 miles of atoms, touching each other the distance of the 19 0's to the finish line at the end. Now one could say that light traveling at roughly 186,282 MPS would take over a second to travel the distance of the 19 0's to the finish line. Though one can observe, if one applies enough mechanical energy to move the 19 0's, to the first 0 the 19th 0 begins to move instantly. So to keep the balance of the atoms not ever taking up the same space. Proving energy can move instantly instead of just 186,282 MPS.