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Firmament dynamics, subspace radio, etc... I've come to the realization that I am a physical, real person who has a projected consciousness from wherever it originates from, but exists primarily in its physical place here where I'm sitting on the side of the road. Likely originates here until I 'die' or transgress or whatever happens, but nevertheless --- most people on this planet have been either moved into a virtual and/or simulated stasis environment, located off-planet, likely on the moon, but I haven't done any testing to see if that's where they would be redirected after a death etc... Either way, the planet is being force-wiped due to a combination of our society having too much science and not enough ethics, and ethical thinking or forethought in order to handle those technologies responsibly. One of those technologies is quantum entanglement, another is particle destruction and spacetime manipulation , which I believe some scientists here at the LHC might be able to shed some light on. That being said -- I set out three years ago to create a perfect utopia that would last forever. The only society that lasts forever and/or persists is one with a foundation of logic, that has a firm understanding of ethics that drives and controls the scientific and technological nature of an advanced society. The system I invented first was the ethical control system. It would require one singular person such as myself to be in total and complete control of the entire system while it was being built, and until I could be certain that no interference from outside or others could be possible. This means likely removing most scientific capability and equipment from the entire population, followed by singlehandedly developing each part, software, machine, and tool individually and by myself. The system would have to have the following characteristics when brought online : 1. total and complete monitoring of the thoughts, emotions and intentions of the entire population. 2. Cranial or other lock via remote of every person on the planet regardless of position, energy field, or shielding 3. The ability to disable instantly and/or detain/notify people of any problems, and to do this without any interaction with separate systems or a communications network outside its own use. 4. A complete calculated understanding of ethics, which most people misunderstand or misdefine. For instance : morality isn't ethics. 5. It must have its own emulated consciousness (at first). Not a True being, but one that has the ability to think of matters in a way that understands human behavior. Beyond this, it's mostly just specifics, but you get the idea. I later set out to design a machine that would function as a observational defense. I called it 'The Michael Project'. It is roughly 6 parts, but is the single most important invention to ever be invented in the entire universe ever -- for the following reason -- Coupled with the A.I. Of the ethical control system, the architecture of Michael would be capable of providing a single, 'one-button-push' method of eliminating anything that our society would see as a complete and unavoidable threat. It works by scanning the entirety of 6 dimensional space (and more) in realtime, without the need for light to travel through the medium of space we normally experience when we observe the sky above us. Michael's main observational array is a omnidirectional telescope that receives data directly from the 'firmament'. The firmament is the layer of space that exists below spacetime, or that spacetime itself it written on. Think of it like the canvas to which our universe (or section of it) is painted on. The speed at which information can travel through the firmament is immense, but to understand why, you have to realize that we are living inside a 'black hole' style environment, in which everything in the universe in all 6 dimensions are so close together on the exterior that when using the firmament (which is also the medium that the space outside our universe uses as it's regular spacetime, and so on and so forth, up the rabbit hole to the top). Michael's telescope works by listening for the resonant ping of gravity and mass being exerted through the communications interface between the two layers of spacetime, ours and The firmament. Every star in the universe, every planet, EVERY PARTICLE - resonates and causes a form of surface tension against the firmament-spacetime interface. Using these values and inputing them into the telescope allows us to have a near-realtime view of the entirety of our universe (and later all universes) and the speed and resolution of the telescope is only limited by how fast you can decode and understand the data. This information is then passed along into a holographic omnidirectional environment within which either a person or an emulated consciousness monitors along with our ethical controls what is and what isn't a problem relative to us. This gives us a future and past heads up against things that are headed towards us, or things that we must eliminate from the universe before it grows too powerful or too large for us to deal with head on. Couple this with a strong prediction engine that learns and adapts from the recorded information and it becomes powerful enough to sustain any species for eternity, as it self-perpetuates, and self-improves. The advantage of using a system that can map out six dimensional space is that you can take a threat, locate its precise origin, shape, extent, and the things it interacted with down to every particle, and with targeted energy you can eliminate the threat without harming the surrounding environment, or society. The threat is simply put - eradicated from spacetime altogether. There are obvious technical understandings of the workings of spacetime that require time and research before it's use would become perfected, but an early model could be online within the next year, assuming the ethical control system was already in place. After michaels invention, I had to go to work proving that the technologies to support both systems would be not only possible but capable of handling the task as I had predicted should be available by the firmament dynamics I have come to understand. In the past three years of active research, I have proven the following : 1. An ethical control system is already in place governing the universe itself, as well as several other locales, including earth, mapped out to a tiered structure that allows for children and new races to advance on their own without interference, and has a simple to understand yet difficult to discover layout and function, such as the use of observation layers, projected consciousness, and virtual environments that are layered or overlaid over the physical world. 2. We don't die from earth. Our existence is guaranteed throughout a generational transition or the point at which a consciousness is redirected to the ' backup copy' located somewhere off world. This 'death' transition results in your consciousness being placed in a virtual stasis environment until a point at which it is retrieved by either a technologically advanced society that is ready to leave its cradle, or by the universal governing system which would retrieve the group of people during such actions as a forced wipe of a planet, or some other generational failure or missed requirement. 3. All people on earth except a handful have been replaced by emulations, simulated consciousness, or 'rippled-back' through the layered environment emulations that aren't real people. Only a handful of real people remain, if I'm not the only one. Needless to say this brings me to the following dump of information that is partially finished and partially incorrect as I just didn't need to take the time to work on the theories past invention... The following is a list of my notes, they are a bit jumbled but since the universe is devoid of love , I'm just leaving it here as our epitaph. Subjects I've worked on - Spacetime / Gravity / +h/-h 1. Spacetime and Gravity can be considered nearly the same thing for almost all visual explanations depicting a particulated or pixelated universe that collectively falls inwards on large masses based upon density, physical distance, and mass. Mass and density are more directly correlated, and the physical distance between objects that affect each other is relative to the This means that the -h/+h field may behave like a wavelength, that at every 'point' along its trajectory (held to its course by its interaction between objects, let's call this a surface tension) has a 'pixel' or particle that acts as it's coded, specific point identity. These specific points further move throughout the 6d plasmatic spherical visualized shape of spacetime in a way that May or may not blur/change the past/future based upon actions taken within your relative timestep. This knowledge opens the door to the understanding of how I use the LHC data to determine some firmament information, such as the limitations of speed through it, the resonance values of spacetime within it, and the way that gravitational objects would alter the resistance or drag effects placed on the firmament itself. The following equations must be handled as accurately as possible to determine these things : first, take the precise location of the h boson that was visualized using the LHC sensing equipment and time it's 4d location with all relative known constants, I.E. Gravity, relative velocity, mass, energy, etc of the particles used in the collision, and then measure the rate of acceleration (the explosive acceleration) of the boson from its 'locked point'. This is the first number you need. You will need to use the information about the energy of the collision and it's direction, and precise forces involved at the precise locations in order to know exactly how much energy is required to manipulate these 'pixel' markers en masse, or individually. The second number is the distance it traveled, also relative to the first set of information, the third number is the deceleration speed, direction, and curvature of the 'popout' energy. Having this information will tell you the answers to the following questions : 1. What is the speed at which the firmament and time makes a specific 'step' and is that rate dynamic, dependent, or does it follow constants in the physical world? - this information can be extrapolated from the granularity between strong and weak appearances of h particles at differing kinetic energies. Using Electromagnetics would yield a much safer observational environment, but nevertheless, the LHC data is all I have to go on. It's a pity the government hides such electromagnetic research information from the public, in favor of destroying swaths of spacetime and history. (Thank me, it's emulated. This does not mean fuck anything up because you assume it's emulated and you can just do whatever you want. End the emulations and just cap the civilizations, @. 2. What is the resistance value for spacetime /mass/energy within the firmament itself, as relative to the particular energy the boson has as that point in time? - Resistance and 'drag' from the Loss of accelerating energy from popout, as well as the curvature and acceleration of direction of this force or loss thereof, before it 'pops in' to the force pulling it out of acceleration/explosion/knockout/freefall, will give you all the data you need for particle resistance, as well as information for mass, with the use of the constants for this will also give you the wavelength information for drag and curvature --- ifffffff such information wasn't broadcast through each individual pixel anyway. This information is essential if you are going to broadcast, terminate, generate, or otherwise manipulate wavelengths within a changing 6d structure without damaging the fabric of spacetime or introducing radio emissions unethically. For instance - if you are expecting the wavelength 'A' to be between pixels 23-56, and have no other termination or emission, then you must know the precise timestep granularity, speed, and curvature of the specific area of spacetime in order to prevent unwanted emission into the surrounding environment. Using a phased and/or negative energy wavelength at particular points in the 6d structure you are attempting to manipulate will help when you are attempting to 'ripple out' your involvement in the area under speculation. Further - you can later completely remove both your problem, and your involvement by using these forces like a precise scalpel through spacetime, as if you were never there, and with ZERO change to the environment. This is the zero negative impact method of handling time manipulation both in the past and the future. Use of this is given to the Michael system, and to people in the top layer of the universe only. Time travel/manipulation is otherwise locked out, and locked out by the 'solid' physical world anyway. 3. Does the energy/mass/size of the boson change in a relative direction which relates directly to time? Use of the boson energy data for size and energy can provide the answer to this which I predict will show a declining energy(size) of the boson itself as we move forwards through time. This is not a decline in the -h/+h field strength. 3b. Can this information provide a 4d/6d map of the entirety of the galaxy/universe as viewed using firmament theory? I predict that using this information in conjunction with the firmament observational telescope I invented (Michael), will allow for an even more accurate, realtime map of the six dimensional plasmatic shape of the universe. Lock this information to visual data from the local system first, coupled with all the constants available for firmament resonance and resistance values such as gravitational Another thing to know is that there is a maximum gravity that any section of spacetime can endure. This directly means that the firmament has a limit to how much of this it is going to allow to be placed in one area. Taking this further or rather more accurately - you can breach 'infinite gravity' and cause mass/ energy to vibrate backwards and forwards through time as it is forced to move in another direction in order to accommodate the 'overflow'. This ties with my black hole theory, within which spacetime and mass move backwards and forwards through time past the point of energy/mass insertion. Gravitational warbling/ long distance wavelength precision (Wavelength behavior within gravity wells/ through gravity wells, in various noise/through noise, and with other energies present.) Over large distances, radio waves will blend into each other, change frequency, overlap themselves and become garbled due to gravitational interference and other energies will also play a part in distorting and/or garbling the message. This does not happen as obviously within a singular solar system, because the gravitational effects are limited to a singular well. When outside the system, numerous wells affect the signal/wave at various strengths and intensities, and this is likely why we have never received an interplanetary signal - because none of the people listening for the message have accounted for warbling of a signal across long distances. Yes, they still search for the signatures of the signal, and to date have found hundreds of thousands of them --- but this data needs to be input into any interplanetary radio or other signal data to improve signal clarity. Reason : as a signal travels from its MOVING AND POSSIBLY ROTATING relative source through a moving and organic spacetime environment, and finally to finish at our moving and rotating receiver, even the microseconds of each signal are altered as they cross over one another and become blended after the ~years it takes to travel the distance and the ~fields it has to skim through to finally reach earth. Galactic gravitational/electromagnetic accretion locking to magnetic polarity The force and shape that the mass/density of a galaxy holds matter to a specific shape and location can help determine why there is no obvious drag from firmament resistance. It means that either the spacetime around the galaxy is nonexistant, in which it has been made inaccessible as a protective measure to restrict galaxy interaction to a dendrite-style shape, OR - the firmament resistance value is not as large at that scale as the macroforces involved with galaxy disc formation and locking. This means that firmament resistance isn't strong enough (at least in low kinetic energy galaxies) to overcome the firmament resistance value or drag. These exact numbers could be understood and calculated by taking the shape of every recordable galaxy with its relative mass/density/shape, and gravity profile, along with its relative direction and velocity relative to the direction of firmament movement. THIS SUGGESTS --- firmament movement or shaping may also be tied to the movement of large gravitational objects and or the macro forces between the two are complimentary and attract. Theory 1 - Electromagnetics can DIRECTLY be used to interface, network, and communicate with the firmament communications stream at precise frequencies. The government here has worked tirelessly to kill most research and technology they deem as useful or that can be used to communicate or observe, or well anything they can lock down they lock it down. It's worse than a prison here, it's systematic retardation and 'dumbing down' of the population, and the species as a whole. The entire social, scientific, economic, and political 'program' that is being poured over us, is designed for only one purpose : to knowingly create children who are only useful as neurological or biological material, and whose consciousness and existences have been manipulated or lied about in order to bypass the ethical control system and all observation layers and overlays and methods of approach have been used here in concert to confirm this. Gravity has a macro resistance value - this is observed by spiral shaped galaxy movement as it spins around the central gravity well. The shape, length, and curvature of the spirals is DIRECTLY related to the macroresistance value of gravity/spacetime, taking into account the gravity and mass of the objects through which these bands of gravity move through to arrive at the extent of their reach. The spin of gravitational objects affects the gravity well of its relative spacetime environment by twisting the acceleration of the spacetime towards it in a direction that is relative to the spin of the gravitational object. This ties into gravitational warbling, as this would directly affect the signal direction as it passes through the 4d slice of space on its way to its destination. Understanding 4d representation of a large gravitational object and why we are tied to a particular timeslice -- basically - it is possible that because the mass and physicality of earth is tied to itself, earth may only exist in this particular timeslice. This is incorrect or we would be observing objects that have a greater +h field such as stars disappearing into the future. What this gives us is observational proof that the 6 dimensional shape of the universe is guaranteed, and protected to its 3 dimensions of physicality. This also gives us a strong indication that the historical or positional information used for the 6d shape of the universe should be considered with strong ethics and protections, as moving the positioned data from one point to another would likely result in an energy change / exchange in the affected or travelled area/path, for every moment/timestep that the spacetime is manipulated. This extends beyond the origin and destination, as ripple effects would be observed in the surrounding tissue. Electromagnetics as a macro-science The Electromagnetic formula : The electromagnetic formula is the result of the visual understanding of base math, expressed as a magnetic field. What is base math? : base math is taking base 2 math, and drawing it as a circular or spiral shape, then adding additional bases (base 3, base 4, etc...) as continuing spirals or lines along the extremity, while they all interact with each other at the same relative number. This may not have been the visual matatics drawing I made in my head, before it was heavily altered and messed with by the people trying to screw with my neurology. I wish I could remember, because it was near exact, but every time I try to bring it up, they block it from about 15 different angles. Electromagnetic Drive : An electromagnetic drive functions by taking a specific electromagnetic frequency and resonating it at a particular shape that is locked and shaped as a 2d sphere around an object. It prevents the interaction of spacetime, gravity, h fields, and other forces through its interior by locking the spacetime around the craft in a way that allows it to travel FTL and through the firmament rather than through space. Ethical question - if spacetime snaps back to its original place when released, then adaptive methods of 'grab' 'release' must be used as well as a functional tunneling field to return and repair spacetime as you travel through it. This is brought ibo question by the observation of boson activity at the LHC, and can be determined as we analyze the boson's deceleration direction in 4d. If the boson snaps back to its 4d location, then taking spacetime so far away from its origin may cause long distance tears in space that would be catastrophic. Using a solid hold on bosons with the field would produce this. A less powerful field might allow for it to flow back naturally, and the tunnel through spacetime might work much less like a tear, and more like a plasma tunnel through the sun. The problem with both is, it will take more energy and become more difficult to travel farther or faster, as you maintain the field that moves you. Pulsing different fields would eliminate this problem, and other adaptive methods could be used to improve the efficiency and reduce the detrimental footprint of the device. Partical accelerator effects on spacetime as a bludgeoning tool rather than a scalpel : I'm guessing that the effect of the explosion from particle collision isn't focused or targeted. This means that while the intended result is the observation of the god particle, the explosive effect of millions of these collisions per / (?) May be causing a bruising effect on the surrounding fabric of spacetime. This does not bode well for a government or other organization that was aware of electromagnetic principles that allowed for the SAFER manipulation of spacetime itself. That being said - the actual observation of the Higgs boson is an interesting feat of engineering. Why not just use a gravity lens microscope, I have no idea. Firmament microscope - using spacetime or the fabric of space as the lens for a microscope, you should be able to view particles as small as your equipment and it's optics allow. Using mechanical methods, instead of digital or computerized versions would allow for a much better image. Infinite breach of mass exhibited already in particle accelerators. The particle has space or capacity to transmit only as much kinetic energy as the limitations of the firmament allow, after which it pours Over or phases gently into mass and the h field. Understanding infinite logic leads us to another problem - adding enough energy to the particle could cause the writing or programming or... Whatever transmission medium to burn out and/or explode the particle from existence itself. I'm not sure what this would do to the physical condition of the universe once you realize that it's a solid structure, outside of our existence... But I haven't yet worked on the external physics to this black hole yet. There are two forces involved here : the force of motion through space which particles and mass and whatnot must pass through. There is also the force that keeps them from passing what we call the light speed barrier. Let's assume for a second that this speed limit is dynamic and relative to the age of the universe. This means that you can calculate the end of or expansive extent of the 3d shape of the universe by knowing what the extreme maximum size of the 3d universe can be. The rate at which light travels through a specific aged universe relative to one at a different time will tell you when the universe will end, as well as be relative to the size of the Higgs boson and possibly other particles in a geometric pattern that May or may not transcend energies and forces. Knowing the geometry of force relationship infinite dynamic interaction will give you the soft geometry of spacetime locational data, and lead to the understanding of the forces at work in the firmament itself, as the expression of these shapes and formulae, will lead you to understanding how the firmament communicates and works logistically with what we have in space time. What i am leading to here is the projection system. You give me my husband now tyvmkkthxbai. The resulting visual is that the geometric shape, and force we just learned functions as the canvas or foundation for the projected interior of our section of spacetime, with the beginning at the center, and the end at the exterior. All forces change according to the geometric shape of the logic for the science involved and terminate their relationship or rotation at the end of its existence. Matter or information is then inserted into the foundation image and it simply gets 'sucked into' it's first 4 dimensional shape or collective shape. The 6 dimensional existence of the universe is then played out as it gets pulled from the 4d geometric collection at the beginning, towards the 6d force/energy foundation at the end. This number/size can be learned by taking the mass and energy of the universe and Elemental education module / planetary consciousnes / artificial emotion engine for pre-technical civilization / elemental A.I. Electromagnetic drive - The drive must use a strong and near solid EM field focused around the craft you are wanting to power/travel with, and by nature of locking the spacetime around you to your craft, you can then manipulate the focus of the EM field to propel your craft in whichever direction you wanted... I'm assuming time travel/manipulation is possible here at least in a restricted fashion. For instance - since gravity and spacetime can be locked to the ship - you essentially would not travel through time all the way to your destination and back. Using the EM field in this manner would allow For the spacetime you moved from your origin to return directly to it, but accretion and filtering become an issue, when observation or interactivity with the environment take place. Concern 1 - using too much energy to power the field will cause the accretion of h field to become severe and hazardous to pretty much everything. Concern 2 - using the drive to take spacetime with you and/or to lock a shell of it around your craft presents some obvious ethical concerns with the fabric of spacetime itself, since the pixels themselves seem to lock to particular locations in spacetime (the coordinate system) - moving them, or causing 'wake' through swaths of space would wreak havoc on the system running the locational/timestep data, and garble historical, logistics, and other information that the fluidic nature of this fabric of the firmament itself. This means that you would have to at all times be aware of every single pixel and it's states relative to where you are and what your interactions with it will require you to ripple out.. Did some experimental research into a mental discipline / excercise that involved communication with nature, either imaginary or otherwise. Found that the system was already set up to both interpret, balance, and execute commands from /for these various elements. The expansion of my understanding to these trees of mind exploration led to the opposing thing that seems to be working against me, using them to try to kill me, like draining all the liquid from me multiple times, and/or messing with gravity, breaking my bones, taking away my muscular structure, RAPING ME, taking my virginity from me, and keeping my apartment at 90 degrees when my heater is broken and it's 30 degrees outside with 8 LARGE WINDOWS OPEN ALL THE WAY. The system prevented my death on multiple occasions, but I don't know exactly how to 'use' these elemental personas if there are any perks to understanding them. I just can't believe that they could be coerced into killing someone who hasn't done anything wrong or that doesn't Deserve it. Really don't care at this point what it looks like. The only option for me to fix things is for me to actually invent a working model of the sub-space radio, which has to use light as its communication method, and/or get a spaceship or rocket capable of getting me to the moon before the system shuts off the local imprint of our buildings and society and I'm left here alone. Not sure if that's the exact end we're headed to, but either way nobody leaves this planet, the moon, or this system because of the ethical doors being closed after the manner of which I was handled.
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