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Everything posted by Papa-Smurf

  1. What irritates me, is that we are d--n near to the point of having to manufacture, or I should say, remanufatre, our own ammo. But, I was, also, under their impression, when I joined this forum, that it would cover science, and how to do it safely! So, rather than explain, that to make something such as "gun cotton" (nitrocellulose), requires one to keep the temp at or below 19° C, because it is a highly exothermic reaction, people just jump the port man's case, and reprimand him for even attempting to find the basic process. I have three children, that my wife & I help bring into this world, and we have another couple hundred that call us momma and Papa. If they were seeking to make say, homemade rocket fuel, I would d--n sure hope somebody on here would explain to them the entire process, and safety precautions! I would rather they know how to do it safely, than lose a finger, or worse!
  2. First off, I am not a professional chemist, nor claim to be any kind of expert in any field, except that which the military trained me in, sniper. But, with that being said, there are multiple books, written by, and for, the military, especially for the special operations community, that describe the materials, and processes, by which to acquire the necessary ingredients, and make certain explosives, porpellents, and much more. We were taught primitive ways of producing both traditional black powder, and smokeless gunpowder, and how to reload ammo in the field with minimal equipment. This, along with other topics, including booby traps, making simple weapons, including firearms, and more, were covered in our teachings, and are in the books, and manuals. I would reccomend anybody interested in any of these subjects, to buy these manuals, some of which can be found on the internet for free, due to the freedom of information act. Good luck, and be careful, because some of these are extremely dangerous, and should be done with the utmost precautions. Hooah!
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