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Everything posted by Juuliuus

  1. ...is born Relativistic Self-Cursored Infinite-Universe Theory. Perhaps the cat has a box in which there is a mouse which will be alive or dead depending... True so true, Mr Skeptic. Hence infinities of infinities of infinities of possible, or snap-shot universes. Multiple (infinite?) cursors observing their ways through a plethora of Universes. Could anyone remind me of the "formal" definition of an observer?
  2. Hi all, new guy here. My first post (how exciting!)... Like to get an opinion about the following: "Classical" quantum mechanics states that all possibilities exist until the event is observed, then all probability curves drop to 0 except for the 1 that "becomes" the event (a la schroedingers cat...The cat is dead or alive when you open the box, before that it is both dead and alive). My question is: Once observed one of the possibilities has dropped to zero and the other becomes one. However, since we are in a universe that has a "history" the fact that at one point in time both possibilities existed is a fact and can't be erased... Therefore, if the cat is alive, then is there not another universe, or snapshot of a universe, where the cat is dead? Or vice versa? And if so then at each instant aren't there, then, infinities of infinities of universes (or least snapshots of them) generated? If true then it raises the question of where the "cursor" is that says we are here in this universe. That's it...opinions? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged...after I posted a list of similar threads came up and it looks this one is already being discussed, sorry. Still if you want to say something go ahead!
  3. Hi, I am Julius, a Biologist (but really really interested in physics and cosmology), currently living in Barcelona, Spain. I also DJ, Photograph, and program...so about 3/5 of the way to a Renaissance man and really looking forward the Renaissance Man certificate... I'd like to start a thread about cool analogies that provide perspective on matters scientific. I absolutely love these because they make real and apparent the absolute coolness of our Universe. For example, one of my favorites: There are more molecules of water in a teaspoon of water than there are teaspoons of water in all the oceans of the world. Does anyone know if a thread already exists for this? Also maybe some of you out there would be interested in something I developed about 10 years ago. Science education book, electronic version in the link in my sig.
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