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Everything posted by MightyKat

  1. Being a huge fan of space science ,one of my favorite hobbies is to ask my self some crucial questions about our future : Some of these questions relates to our direct imagination . Throught video games and cinema ,we have expressed for a long time ago many worlds and many dreams .One of them as came to reach my curiosity and the debate find itself thrilling . We ,humans ,think that we might not be alone in the multiverse (yes I said multiverse) .However we never had the proof of extraterrestial visits and alien presence on earth on a early stage of our history. While realizing this point ,I thought that we could be the so-called aliens ,our imagination being like a veil on our mind which not let us see the truth ,and so we were designed by something or someone to maintain life on earth and make it prosper on other planetary systems . I believe in secrets and mysteries ,wich allow discoveries ,wich allow progress and so on ... Also ,that thing who could have designed our specie for a particular role in the multiverse ,could it be the source of these extraordinary forces in the water ,in space , et cetera ? I have also realized that we only have the humanizied understanding part of the mathematics (either I'm not good at it) and with that we think that nature is nothing else but a logical process ,but I think it's wrong ...I mean we call the universe UNIverse ,UNI (in my opinion) means UNIQUE and verse means forward somewere so the full meaning of universe could be a reflect of a unique thing forward somewere when multiverse is a multiple of these reflect of that thing forward somewere. However this means that space and time travel is a possibility (but not for now) when we have parallel verses thanks to quantum mechanics (this is the part I don't know so I won't expand on this) . Everything we have (if not earth) comes from our imagination ,even religion and politics . The last thing is ,I think that there is many dark secrets which we musn't discover for the survival of life ...We are still on a early stage of our history and we still yet have a lot to discover and understand from this verse ,the day will come are we going to handle the mantle of responsability of the galaxy ? are we going to design other civilizations wich also handle the mantle when they will be ready and make life prosper ? I'd love to be correct on these points but I know I'm not ,but I know what I believe in ,and it's called mankind.
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