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Everything posted by Chicca94

  1. Hi all, Is there someone who can explain to me how to convert floating point number and its binary representation into IEEE standard?? Thanks so much
  2. Is there a particular way to represent also valid word and tag? Also there is the second question that I don't understand
  3. Noooo. How it's made? I love this program. I will try to understand something. Thanks
  4. I don't know if this is the right place where I can post my question. I'm studying computer architecture for an exam in September but I find some question in the program and I don't know how to answer to them. I tried to search on Internet but I did not find anything. The questions are: Given the number of sets, the number of lines per set, the number of words per line and the number of cells per word, draw the structure of a cache (show tags, valid bits and data structured in sets, lines, words and cells). Given the number of sets, the number of lines per set, the number of words per line and the number of cells per word, and assuming the LRU (least recently used) replacement policy, simulate a sequence of LOAD instructions accessing that cache. Hope that someone can help me. Thanks a lot
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