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About Nikkinotgill

  • Birthday 05/01/1988

Profile Information

  • College Major/Degree
    Open Uni - Health science (ongoing) Aberystwyth - English Lit BA (2:1)
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Medical/Health Science
  • Occupation
    Regulatory Afffairs for a Pharma company

Nikkinotgill's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. Thanks... ll go back to drawing out possibilities till I get the right one then haha.
  2. Hi All Is there a way of working out structural formula from the molecular formula, or is it a bit of trial and error until all the bonds satisfied? At the moment I am trying out different variations until I get the one that has all the correct number of bonds, but I feel like this can't be how other people do it! For example - take Valine: how would you know the structural formula from C5H11NO2 (other than googling it obviously) Thanks
  3. Hi thanks!
  4. Hello This will no doubt be a very basic question, but I had a question about the following, which is in my text book: REMEMBER ‘Oxidation Is Loss’ of electrons. The opposite of oxidation is reduction, so remember OIL RIG, ‘Oxidation Is Loss, Reduction Is Gain’ of electrons. Oxidation and reduction always occur together; such reactions are known as REDOX reactions. My question, as this is part of the "what oxygen can do to other compounds": are Redox reactions only related to oxygen or can they be any loss/gain of electrons? Thanks
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