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Everything posted by AnisDys2351

  1. One of the fundamental postulates of special relativity, the constant velocity of light in all reference of frame, though experimentally correct, it is illogic and unrealistic to human’s mind. And this is what makes special relativity a puzzle, and for many, hard to take. I believe this velocity oddness is due to what I can call the illusion of reference of frame. Allow me to get myself clear: When we are in cars we see trees and people moving when they are not. Or, simple, we see the sun rising and setting every day when it is not moving. Now we had fallen in the same illusion: Light doesn’t move; matter shrinks on itself and makes us think that light is moving (I know how it sounds, I can explain) People of our time grew up with an idea that matter is composed of small indivisible entities, but can you imagine indivisible entities? This is a false idea; matter is condensed energy. Think now about the strong force that binds protons and neutrons together. Don’t you notice something awkward: Where do atoms fetch all that force from? No where else if not into themselves of course, and as a result they must run out of it, and as a result I know they get smaller and smaller. All I want to say is: an object can’t stay with the same size; that is energy consuming. Unfortunately there is no frame that can be used to observe this motion of matter receding. Unless! Of course! The frame of light! Light has no mass, means, it can’t be pushed, it can’t be attracted, and it can’t be moved! In this view (“” 1 meter of matter was 3.108 meters in a second before) the special theory of relativity becomes so easy, and most importantly, logic. Now try review the theory in this new image, if you got it, and see it yourself how simple it becomes: Remember that gravity rules over everything that has mass. Do you see now why no object can reach the speed of light? And do you see why exceeding it would be like moving in the opposite direction? Time, here, changes with motion. The less you move the less it changes, and at c when you are not moving, it doesn’t change. And the speed of light will be recorded at the same velocity in all reference of frame. Etc. I can’t tell you how much through this insight I developed, even in general relativity and many other subjects. And I told myself, why not share! If it helped me, it could help someone else. Though the world could not recognize it now, I know they will one day. And I like this voice inside me that says: I am right! And I am sorry for my English.
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