I'm not a scientist, but a lowly physician untrained in the lab skills needed to maintain a bacterial culture. I do home-brew beer and maintain yeast cultures... but I'm not sure how the two might relate.
The reason I'm posting is because I recently purchased some AObiome "cosmaceutical" mist, and I'd like to see if I can maintain the culture so s month's supply lasts a full year or more. It's very expensive at $99/bottle, so if the stuff works as intended, maintaing a culture will be cost effective.
If this were a yeast culture for brewing, I would just use some and then top up the bottle with nutrient mix (wort), and wait.
Would it be this simple for a bottle of AO bacteria? Would I need to supply ammonia as food? What sort of environmental conditions would be required for such a culture. Since I actually plan to use what I grow continuously, I'm not interested in inoculating a slant and freezing it.
If this entire post leaves you puzzled, read: "My No-Soap, No-Shampoo, Bacteria-Rich Hygiene Experiment,"