I would have a few questions regarding mankind's current knowledge of Genetics, as of 2014.
1. It was my understanding that we humans were defined by up to 35,000 different genes. Correct ?
2. Among these 35,000 different genes, how many do we know well enough to tell what impact they have on the body and proteins?
3. I heard it was possible to copy any human's DNA, and as a result, any human's full genome. How do we do that? How long does it take? It was also my understanding that we needed a "living" cell of the subject to do that, so it is not possible with bones, hair and whatnot. Is this still correct nowadays ?
4. For any human, a few of their genes are bound to change during their lifetime, and that is called a "mutation". So, you never get the original DNA of someone, only their current one, and there is no way to extract their original DNA. Correct ? 5. Assuming we can extract DNA, I figured it was only a matter of time before we find a way to (unethically) create human "clones", like we did with Dolly. But as far as I know, we don't know yet how to create a foetus solely based on their DNA (that is, solely based on a very long list of amino acids stored in computers), correct? Has there been any kind of research carried out regarding this ? Thanks in advance for your replies. Genetics, not sure if awesome or scary!