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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Physiology, biochemistry

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  1. Thank you iNow, it’s very interesting!
  2. Also, it’s interesting to see some rationalists here rebuking the purpose seekers by stating that "life survives" or "life endeavours to adapt", as if life was more than a completely abstract concept. Life doesn’t endeavour to do anything. Organisms that happen to be fit to survive, survive; while others die out. There is no endeavour in that.
  3. Hello, Could anyone offer reading recommendations about the emergence of consciousness from an evolutionary perspective? I’ve done a few Google searches on the topic but nothing really substantial turned up. Is this a research field (if not, why)? Who is working on it? Thanks!
  4. Hello, There is much talk in various medical sources about so-called lactic acidosis being caused by lactic acid buildup following anaerobic glycolysis (see for example here or here). Then you have other, more biochemistry-focused sources explaining that what comes out of glycolysis is pyruvate (i.e. COO-), NOT pyruvic acid (COOH), and it is reduced into lactate (COO-), not lactic acid, which means that the molecule is already inonized and cannot further release any additional proton that would acidify the medium. What do you make of all this? There seems to be a major contradiction here and it’s strange that I can’t find anything on this issue anywhere online. Thanks!
  5. Hello, In ß-oxydation, when an activated fatty acid is shuttled from the cytosol into the mitochondria, it sheds a CoA-SH moiety and then regains another one once inside the mitochondria, through the acylcartinine transferase II. My question is: where does the energy to re-attach a new mitochondrial CoA to the fatty acid come from? When it was activated in the cytosol by the acylCoA synthetase, it consumed one ATP. How comes it does not need an ATP again, for the same reaction once inside? Is it because acylcarnitine contains a high-energy bond that can provide the energy necessary to recreate the thioester bond to form acylCoA again? Thanks...
  6. Hello, I am writing a dissertation on the physiological implications of the Ramadan fast, and I have read in several sources that pre-loading the body with salt and water just before the fast (at dawn) could help slow down dehydration during the day. I don't get how this is possible... Don't we have a very fine system to regulate salt and water, and flush out any excess? I thought excess salt/water would increase the GFR, and activate the atrial natriuretic peptide and suppress aldosteron and vasopressin, thus effectively ridding plasma of all the 'pre-loaded' salt and water... What are your thoughts on this? Thanks in advance.
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