The trick is to first prove that Jesus Christ/God characters exist, then move on. OK.... Lets say that A=6, B=12, C=18, D=24, E=30,........…......., Z=156. With that being the case, then..………… GOD = 156, CHRIST = 462, JESUS = 444, and JESUS CHRIST = 906. Now Google " BIBLE CODE INTRODUCTION 156 462 ". Once you are at the " BIBLE CODE INTRODUCTION " website, click on the two yellow flashing words, " Watch/Listen ". Enjoy the audio/video tour of the Jesus Christ/God proof. Be sure that your browser supports the Adobe Flash Player, as does windows Chrome, Edge.
Anyhow, what is revealed is that names such as GOD, CHRIST, JESUS, and JESUS CHRIST, just happen to show up in the KJV Bible a certain number of times, such as 156, 462, 444, and 906 times.
This looks like a Jesus Christ/God signature to me.