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Lucius E.E

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Everything posted by Lucius E.E

  1. 1. Full Immersion Virtual Reality 2. End of poverty, starvation, and war, worldwide. Basically global unity. 3. Nanotechnology enabling the end of aging that is mass distributed for free to all whom wish to use it.
  2. Simply because reality may be predetermined is no reason to cross a road without looking, regardless of your stance on the matter. Also there's a chance the Multiverse may not exist, below is a link to one theory that might disprove it. There are many others. http://www.wired.com/2014/08/multiverse/ If the Many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is proven to be wrong beyond a shadow of a doubt, then the Copenhagen interpretation is the most likely explanation as to what is going on. The Copenhagen is non deterministic and is random, and relies on probability.
  3. You should thoroughly research the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, as it also comes to the conclusion of determinism.
  4. Alright so this void has always existed and will always exist I take it? (Eternal) If so what is preventing it from repeating the same chain of events more than once? Does time take place in your void?(SpaceTime) Does the void exist outside of time? Feel free to PM me your response if you would rather avoid typing it out on the forum.
  5. Then what is the origin of this "v-bit" in this apparent "void." What then is the origin of this void? How did this "void" come to be? What came before the void? What comes from the void? Again if linearity stems from this "void", than the "void" hasn't always existed, because time takes place there. Ultimately everything must stem from a system which has always existed and will always exist. Otherwise it's turtles all the way down. Linearity needs causality.
  6. Do you believe that all that exists, including and not limited to the multiverse, is in fact linear, or timeless?
  7. It's not a question of whether or not it seems unlikely, if something has a nonzero quantum mechanical chance of occurring. It will occur and infinite number of times, regardless of it's probability. If something exists once within an eternity it must occur and infinite number of times, otherwise, there's a point of linearity, and the system is not truly timeless as discussed above. As you can see here it is possible to predict the probability even if it occurs an infinite number of times. Despite the integrals running to infinity the probability can still be well defined. We can now say that anything that can happen will happen with a nonzero quantum mechanical probability.
  8. I very much enjoy your ideas however I feel as though you may have misinterpreted what I was implying above. Which is perfectly okay, but I just wanted to hop back on to say that I wasn't talking about the occurrence of the big bang in and of itself, but "existence" as a whole. I also agree that this Universe among any potential others, mostly due to gravity and dark energy and the explanation it provides. However my question I was attempting to posit to you was, and remains...Why do you feel as though you current atomic configuration will not occur again, randomly if it already has? You see in a Universe/Multiverse of random energy anything that can happen with at least a non-zero quantum probability will happen, not only once but an infinite number of times with absolute certainty. Otherwise if something, anything, including and not limited to your consciousness doesn't reoccur than there is a linearity within existence that can be observed and in doing so would be everything is predetermined and linear. This violates the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, Schrodinger's equation, etc.....not to mention if existence is and of itself linear than there is a "how" to be discovered as to why that is. Ultimately my point is simply this, if anything that can happen doesn't repeat infinitely many times, then there is a point of linearity. Something predetermined, and not random. The Big Bang and it's end results are either all predetermined or everything is random. If it's random it repeats infinitely many times, otherwise it isn't random and is instead calculable and is predetermined for a reason. This reason would have to be rationally explained and it cannot be, this is the last leg that theists have to stand on, and science is beginning to put pressure on it. You see if everything is predetermined and not random there is a "cause" for everything and anything. Even the quantum fluctuations, what force directs nothing and predetermines it? This is the reflection of organized religion which had attempted to explain this. Now science has reached a point which is pointing to random probability as being the cause for everything that exists. We simply "exist" due to blind chance and evolution, and science has already more than proven this to be the case. Same is, I'm sure, with the big bang. Everything I said above rules out determinism and theism as both unlikely scenarios for our existence. Where as a random eternity seems to make more sense and is ultimately the only explanation remaining. *Shrugs* But to each their own I presume. I enjoy discussing philosophy and science, while most don't.
  9. I believe the same, however, you don't believe that within an eternal universe your atomic make-up wouldn't ever occur again, randomly, as it has before? Like I said above a linear existence is not only unlikely but illogical because it would need either "god" or and infinite number of cause (turtles all the way down, which is in itself, eternal). Personally I feel as though a random Universe makes the most sense, one that produces everything that can happen an infinite number of times via quantum fluctuations within a vacuum. This is how i believe the big bang occurred, randomly from nothing.
  10. This is the same way I see death, except in regards to what I had posted above. At some given point the exact arrangement of atoms(spin, neutrons in the nucleus, etc) that by which make you conscious will reoccur an infinite number of times, possibly in more ways than one. Seeing as how I have no belief in god, which means the linear explanation for existence is flawed, by default making the creation for anything simply due to random probability. Anything that can happen will happen, an infinite number of times.
  11. Edit: "These atoms that create this experience for me will someday join in the Universe's dance of entropy. However they will one day meet again, in the same form they're in right now." I would like to clarify that one does not need the "same" atoms. As it is the arrangement/entanglement of said atoms that matter, not the physical atoms themselves.
  12. Over the past few years I have spent some time postulating what might happen after death. Sure this is a question that comes up within the realms of philosophy and science quite often, but I have always found religion and the belief in a deity to be rather dull and unproven. Not to offend anyone who may be religious on the forum. I have nothing against the belief in a deity I'm a strong atheist myself however. Now onto my thoughts, just looking to stir up some friendly discussion. I believe there are three possible beliefs as to the beginning and end of the Universe, and what occurs after death. A. Linear B. Eternal C. Turtles all the way down After much thought I have come to the conclusion that these are the only possibilities. Please allow me to explain as briefly as I can. When I say "existence" I do not mean the Universe itself. I mean everything that may exist "outside" of it as well(Quantum Vacuum, Multiverse, Virtual Particles, etc) Linear - In a linear form of existence ultimately nothing would need to repeat and while the Universe itself could go on forever infinitely, there would have to be a beginning. Thus where I derive the term "Linear" from. Progresses from one stage to another, even if it is infinite. In the Linear model, basically anything could occur however usually only once. Including people, planets, or any other random sub-atomic arrangement. Something(God, Turtles) would have had to set this linear creation into "motion" so to speak, and as such this is the type of existence any deity worshiper would most likely believe in. Numerically it would just be a straight line, it might even repeat on occasion but no specific string would ever need to repeat. I will go into more detail about this in the eternal section and turtles sections below. Basically since it is a straight line that never repeats itself, events take place in a set order, it isn't random, and as such everything could be traced back to an initial event. I will discuss the philosophical implications of this and the others down below. Eternal - This is the form of existence that appears to be the most likely in my opinion. What I mean by eternal is no beginning and no end. Completely random and infinite in both directions. Every repeats an infinite number of times and quantum fluctuations produce every possible configuration of sub-atomic particles an infinite number of times. I will discuss the philosophical implications of this and the others down below. Turtles all the way down- This is the type of existence that ultimately is linear as well but in the opposite direction, hard to wrap your mind around, but please bear with me. Generally if existence had a cause, and there is no eternal initial cause, then this is what we're left with. Either Eternity or Turtles(Infinite Causes) all the way down. Within the realm of infinite causes however, everything would need to repeat, same with the eternal proposition I made above. If there was ever a known non repeating occurrence, you could look back to said occurrence and have a definitive point in time to observe linearity. Any one non repeating possibility implies that it isn't random. If it isn't random than it is following a set linear path, even if the path is never ending in either direction. On the subject of death- Now on the subject of death I have always felt as thought there isn't an afterlife "dimension" so to speak, however if the arrangement of atoms that permeates my innate sense of consciousness should ever reoccur, exactly as they have in this Universe presently. Then I see no reason to believe that I won't consciously exist again. Perhaps not even in the same body, or with the same parents, etc. Knowing full well that after many years you're made up of entirely of different cells and atoms. It is simply the arrangement that make "you" aware. These atoms that create this experience for me will someday join in the Universe's dance of entropy. However they will one day meet again, in the same form they're in right now. Perhaps only the portion that drives my conscious mind. In this sense one may see life through the eyes of everyone within a timeless existence. So in many ways I see death as simply going to sleep for an extended period of time. Perhaps billions, perhaps trillions of years. It won't feel like that to you though because you will not be aware of it. You wouldn't have a memory of any "past life" because those memories will have to be reformed throughout your life. Take for instance someone with amnesia that loses their memories but retains their conscious mind. Would anyone like to share their own thoughts?
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