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  1. This is a very good idea. Thanks! and of course thanks everyone for the answers I love this forum.
  2. Hello, i have a fan in my computer that needs to be started manually each time. I guess the fan is about to die. I use a wooden toothpick everytime going trough the "chassis grid" and pocking the fan untill it starts up. Sometime i look back at the toothpick and a very small part is missing. What if pieces of toothpick end up in my computer, what could possibly happen? (small pieces). the fan i manually try to start up with the toothpick is the one in the rear, close to the power supply.
  3. Thanks everyone! i will buy a used one
  4. Hello, i use a chatodic monitor for gaming about 4 hours a day. How much power would i save in a year if i move from my Philips Chatodic Tube 18,5" monitor to a led Monitor of the same size 18"5 with a usage of 4hours each day?. Thanks!
  5. Thanks everyone!
  6. Hello everyone, i would like to know if there is some evidence proving that Wi-Fi is not unhealthy. Is there a risk with the radiations that comes from Wi-Fi emitted by routers?. I usually keep the Wi-Fi off unless i need it. Sometime i play some internet games using Wi-Fi for about two hours a day. The router is in my bedroom but i go upstair to play games. My router is a d-link DSL-2640R. Is going distant from the routers going to be more dangerous for me because the Wi-Fi has to get to me, or is going distant safer? What worrys me more is that people living understair my bedroom keep Wi-Fi on 24/h. Could long exposure from the Wi-Fi of people living understair, or me using the wifi for a couple of hours a day give me health problems in the future, such as Cancer and other problems related to radiations? Thanks. PS: i found this on Wikipedia: The World Health Organization has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation as a possible group 2b carcinogen.[12][13] This group contains possible carcinogens with weaker evidence, at the same level as coffee and automobile exhaust.
  7. When cooled down it emitts a barely-smellable plastic smell, if it's playing for hours the smell is stronger (only if i get close to it and smell). Normal? And for the whistle...its from around the touchpad, even when the laptop is turned off... When the laptop is stressed, it's more loud. As for the GPU temperature i found it out, it gets to about 63celsius and the Hard disk is at 41, cpu is about 53-57. Now that's over 100celsius in a laptop. Do i have to worry?
  8. Another thing i can hear is when the laptop is turned off or in standby, i can hear a whistle...very very light, barely hearable, but i wonder what is that coming from
  9. Like the sound of something liquid? in that case no, i don't think, my laptop does make weird sounds (like a razor sometimes) but then it stops if i put it standby and turn it back on. But other users pointed out that melting temperatures would be very high (100c) and before melting it can't be toxic even if heated, so now i am more calm. anyways i really appreciate this forum because there are many forums where there are experts of computers...but experts of computers and science fans/students in the very same forum it's just perfect !
  10. how am i supposed to know if the internals are melting?
  11. thanks guys, now i am more relaxed on using it without giving it breaks, and at 57celsius for the cpu and 41 for the hard disk and let's assume 40 for the battery, nothing it's reaching 100c so i am more calm to know this kind of plastics wont melt. (ONE doubt here, do i have to sum the temperatures to get the internals temperatures? like 40+41+57? that would be over a hundred degrees???) For now, after very intensive tests such as prime95 the temperature of the cpu never goes above 57celsius, and the hard disk sits at 36-41c, the gpu is integrated, so it's not generating heat, the battery feels warm, but not that much.. But if i try to put the pc in my lap, it does feel hot, and that is very weird. Any guess? ok update: it feels hot to the touch but only if i have it on my bareskin, so on my laps without the pants (this was just to try, do not misunderstand), but if i have pants on, so the computer is not having direct contact with my skin, it just feels barely hot. is this normal? should i worry?
  12. the laptop is not good, i use a desktop for serious gaming, but this one is good enough for some old games, flash games, ect. anyways at what temperature would the plastics in a laptop melt? also i can feel the battery is warm, but i have not found any software that allows me to monitor the temperature. and, as a desktop user, i am not sure if laptops are meant to be used for big amounts of times, or if they are meant to run untill the battery goes off so they can cool down. For now i am using it for an hour and then giving it a 30 min break.
  13. Hello, i bought a laptop for the first time in my life,and i was wondering, since laptops are so small, heat is pushed directly on the plastic of the laptop and i know that plastic if heated up can become toxic, what amount of heat (in temperature celsius) makes a laptop "lenovo t43 (refurbished)"'s plastic toxic? i usually get to 53-55-57 celsius for the processor ingame and for the hard disk 41c. (the laptop is refurbished)
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