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  1. A mysterious explosion that rocked Nicaragua on Saturday night, creating a 39ft-wide (12 metre) crater, appears to have been caused by a small meteorite. And authorities in the region believe the meteorite was in fact a shard of rock from the 2014 RC ‘pitbull’ asteroid that soared past Earth over the weekend. link deleted by mod
  2. Is the flow of time constant, or can events that haven’t occurred yet influence our behavior? A new paper provides scientific proof that humans can see into the future. You probably saw this coming. Can we see into the future? It’s a power claimed by soothsayers, oracles, witches, astrologists, and prophets since time began flowing in the direction science generally accepts it flowing in: Forward. (link removed by moderator)
  3. Earth is about to have a close encounter with a house-sized asteroid on Sunday (Sept. 7), when a space rock discovered just days ago will zoom by our planet at a range closer than some satellites. Similar in size to the Chelyabinsk meteorite that exploded over Russia’s Ural Mountains region in February 2013, Nasa says we will have a ‘very close’ shave – but that there is no risk. (link removed by moderator)
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