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  • Lepton

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  1. hello all, Can anyone here tell me how to get the same row echelon form by hand and using the ti-86? For example, I am trying to find the basis for the row space of matrix A and when I do the operations by hand I get one set and when I do the operations on my ti-86 I get a different set. According to the solutions manual that accompanies the text, the result calculated by the ti-86 are wrong. Any suggestions? thanks in advance.
  2. Do you mean the April 2005 article? http://scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?chanID=sa006&colID=1&articleID=000EE2A0-BACC-1238-B9FA83414B7F00A7
  3. Hi all, I can't seem to find any diagrams on the web showing the flow of electrons for the mechanisms for the N4 methylation of cytosine, N6 methylation of adenine, and 2'O methylation of ribose. I checked my biochem and molecular bio book, but neither of them have them. Any help is appreciated. -Steve
  4. Yes it is. I was making a mistake with the integration and did not catch it until yesterday. Thanks for yor help.
  5. I am having a problem with this particular problem: Integrate pi(sin(x)^2 - (1/2)^2) from pi/4 to pi/2 I used a trig identity and got this: pi [ (x/2 - sin(2x)/4) - (1x/4) ] however when I evaluate this from pi/4 to pi/2 I am not getting the correct result. Any help is much appreciated. steve
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