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  1. so happy?? to see that the original poster and a few others have my identical problem. i only searched the net on this after having drunk what was for me the rare glass of water w a wedge of lemon. i felt like i was going to throw up. the scratchiness in the back of my throat is always a given with water. i love milk and drink pure juice. i have never liked soda - never drank it as a kid, so it is a moot point. and gatorade? anything with HFCS and dyes has always been unthinkable. Evian does not create the scratchy throat, but other waters do. sparkling water like Pelligrino is also preferable. i reside in a desert country, so drinking water is important. i usually only drink it by adding a bit of juice. i am also vegetarian and probably very alkaline - and the water could be making the alkaline level go too low. that's an interesting point. i will get some pH papers and test that. in the meantime, the pee is clear because i do drink it with juice - i'm not skipping it altogether. and keep a peace of mind knowing that water is also in everything we eat. i think americans have begun freaking out too much about water - dr. evil wants you fluoridated - heavily sedated. get water filters and consume lots of coconut oil and cilantro - to bind with aluminum and mercury - at least. listen to your bodies, folks. can't believe four years have gone by since this guy first posted, and nobody's got a definitive answer.
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