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Everything posted by Outernet

  1. Hi. I'm the founder of Outernet--happy to answer any questions. Your idea makes sense and I believe does solve a need. Our roadmap includes the incorporation of mesh networking software so that Pillars can talk to each other (as outlined above) and also share connections back to the internet. The last mile through wifi is inherently bidirectional. One way to think about what was described above is like a branch of a git repo. When no connection exisits, everything stays local. When an internet connection does exisit somehwere on the mesh, then all of the changes are merged back in to the original website. We have absolutely no idea how this would work right now, but don't let that stop you from thinking through the details. You may also want to review the works of others in this space, such as PirateBox and Commotion Wireless (you may get an ssl-warning for Commotion). http://piratebox.cc/ https://www.commotionwireless.net/ We expect mesh networking to eventually play a significant role in Outernet, but we want to first focus on global content delivery.
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