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Everything posted by J.C.MacSwell

  1. Is it not 33 for Trump and 67 for Biden?
  2. Hawking Radiation radiates from just outside the event horizon.
  3. Nothing can pass back across the event horizon, yet if small enough and thus hotter than the CMBR it can lose mass from "effectively" radiating from outside the event horizon. This might seem like a contradiction to you. Quantum effects are not the most intuitive.
  4. Naked girls dancing around the fire made me think of Woodstock for some reason.
  5. Like clockwork... Pint of centipedes and plate of inchworms coming right up!
  6. Never? The microwave wavelengths are chosen for good penetration into the food. Although the food nearest the surface does tend to absorb more than food further, the food further can actually get hotter as the thermal energy has further to go to escape and may also, depending on the microwave design, and the geometry and any lack of homogeneity of the food, actually absorb more than a similar volume near the surface. So the temperature can build up more toward the middle depending on quite a number of factors.. So sometimes the food does actually cook from the inside out, even if this wasn't the explanation given to you as a non scientist, by an advertiser non scientist.
  7. Gotta get that sugar fix...even though you know it's bad for you both short and long term? Though I would say the price of the Oreos seems potentially much greater.
  8. A lot of motivation for both Haley and Desantis camps to come second, I would expect. No idea with regard to the Tump followers...I can't really understand them at this point as the cheap and easy backlash rhetoric against the extreme left rhetoric that tends to go unchallenged by the more moderate left seems well represented by Desantis. Maybe Desantis just doesn't seem dictator enough for them?
  9. LOL. I pictured you in a theatre doing your work. I hope at least the hecklers had to buy tickets... I would also like to add that some people thought Einstein was a lazy dog, and I have a relative that works very very hard.
  10. ADD and ADHD may have been previously underdiagnosed. Fortunately Big Pharm has been able to come up with the drugs necessary... ...to make themselves more money.
  11. Good find. I wonder what the actual distance was (say maximal distance of any two points of the optical fibre) and how that might affect the results.
  12. First of all good questions for the most part. +1 I'll answer the easy one I bolded. No one would have any practical ideas on how this could be done. The theory is based on much more local experimentation and results. I think there have been experiments done that limit the number of photons, and I think it is somewhat done statistically but others here should give a more accurate answer. `
  13. Control no, but at times the Hippie Dippy Marine Weatherman would have had some influence....
  14. LOL, I said the exact opposite but I think it's just about how one would define it. It's either nowhere and does not exist or it's everywhere with no favoured position. ..and of course no centre of the Universe. Not that I'm 100% on the Big Bang theory but it's currently the best we have and nothing else is remotely close. In any case Paulsrocket has significant errors in even the most basic understanding of the theory. It really isn't necessary to believe it to understand it better than displayed in his posts unless he has some mental block or is intentionally misrepresenting it. If he could grasp the basics, he would see that it fits the data, rather than claim it can't be true because we would see this huge void.
  15. Would the 1960s hippies be considered Pagans?
  16. You can argue for a different set of assumptions, but if you also don't want logic applied to them then you're well outside of science. But Fantasyland has it's merits...I guess.
  17. Only if you assume your model (your understanding) is correct. If as I claimed ground zero is everywhere, you need to struggle with logic or math not to realize that under that assumption there is 100% chance the Earth (like everywhere else) is at ground zero. But it isn't. Kind of throws your model (your understanding) out the window, does it not?
  18. We are at ground zero...not uniquely...but just like everywhere and everyone else.
  19. Trump's thought process: "Sure but...what does that have to do with me?"
  20. Among other things, you seem to be conflating the need for Dark Energy and the need for Dark Matter.
  21. If there is any argument that condemns the current Republican Party more than this does it is certainly not obvious, at least to me.
  22. I guess that means that with regard to black holes "there's nothing new under the Sun" 😄
  23. Theoretically a small enough BH, one about 0.75% of the mass of the Earth or smaller, should radiate above 2.7 and if not "fed" by more than the CMBR should evaporate and disappear.
  24. Thanks Okay. I thought you might have been replying to my post since you quoted it, and in the context of my post it was pretty ambiguous to say the least.
  25. I was only assuming a single common ancestor based on the claim in the link, I was going to later ask how that was known. Is it determined that that specific haplotype can only have come from a single mutation event and not been duplicated by some other identical mutation rather than only from being passed on?
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