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Everything posted by J.C.MacSwell

  1. Hilary Clinton won the popular vote. The coincidence currently is geographic and your system. You know that...yet you spout this. ...and I'm sure you have females that would get more votes than Clinton. And don't forget that after extreme left torments everyone into voting Trump in again in 2020 out of spite, you will finally get your Woman POTUS in 2024 (Nikki Haley)
  2. I think the population is ready to vote for the right leader, male or female. Hopefully when we do elect a female prime minister it will be based more on that than "it's time for one". We did have Kim Campbell as PM, though she was not elected, and have had female Governors General, the "official" head of state when the Queen is not on Canadian soil. Edit: I guess the Queen is always head of state
  3. There are some concerns: https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/national-illegal-border-crossing-us-from-canada-1.4863636 "Along this one sector of the border, apprehensions of people crossing illegally are up 60 per cent over the past year, although the numbers remain minuscule relative to activity on the border with Mexico." That's not referencing the whole border, but clearly there is an implication that our border has significantly less concerns with illegal crossings.
  4. Is this a joke? Where has this term been mentioned?
  5. No. Just trying to make a point. Sorry if you feel I didn't think you would understand that. What terms, exactly, am I defending? I'm generalizing that through ignorance any one of us could say something potentially offensive to some people. I'll give you an example of my ignorance. Until recently I would not have expected anyone to take offence to wearing black make up on Halloween in a genuine attempt to say dress up as an African American/Canadian. (Wear a black face...as opposed to "blackface" with exaggerated features) I don't fully understand the problem with doing that, and believe it is regrettable, but at least now I am aware it can be offensive to some. On topic "stupid woman", I think I understand that can be taken either way, a derogatory word followed by an identifier, or derogatory term.
  6. I think at any significant depth it is very difficult, even for stationary systems.
  7. None of us know all possible contexts of potentially offensive remarks. We didn't all grow up together in the same areas of the World. Ideally we eventually won't need to, and we can get along OK with our partial ignorance as long as we mean well. But to some degree we are stuck with our history. Zapatos has given a good example of that, though it is not clear why religious tie would be mentioned at all in that case (maybe in a group of gardening priests and rabbi's, where many priests were dirty but only one rabbi?)
  8. With all due respect, this sounds like a call to create a power vacuum. What types would be the first to feel compelled to fill it?
  9. The mock number is getting a little high... ...there aughtta be a limit
  10. Trumps new chant: Build a Wall! Keep then In!
  11. That's going too far! ...should be a disclaimer to let us know you mean to reflect on Trump...and only Trump ...of course...if you said "stupid person" you double the potential number of people that should feel insulted
  12. That's hilarious!
  13. ...because he had already read it in the link...
  14. ...and because it is not still, you need pseudo forces, like coriolis, to compensate, as it spins and wobbles around the Sun. But as I said, it can be a reasonable approximation much of the time.
  15. I would suggest that should be taught much earlier if that is the case. (I am not familiar with your levels, but he is 16)
  16. Inertial...with an explanation as to what can be considered a convenient approximation, and why. I'm not sure Harald doesn't already have a working understanding of that...just got a little mixed up on the G.
  17. Why do you feel that assumption is needed? Any acceleration would be with respect to an inertial frame...not the Earth. The Earth is just a convenient approximation much of the time.
  18. I was kidding in this instance...as much as I lament the current political atmosphere.
  19. Good of INow to make cents of it.
  20. Just kidding...as per INow's comment.
  21. No need to dump on her...
  22. I didn't expect you to be offended personally in any case, just perhaps offended on others behalf, as you took issue with it for some reason known best to you. For the record, I would tend not to use the two words together, "stupid woman", unless I was sure my audience would know exactly what I intended by it.
  23. What wording would you have used if you wished to get the exact same sentiment across? Or if you prefer...what wording should he have used? Is it wrong for him to hold that sentiment? Keeping in mind he was not directing it at anyone, is it OK for him to convey it here?
  24. From the link: "President Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, who was once married to his second cousin, believes that Trump’s legal team should be able to see special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on whether Russia colluded to hand Russian Vice-President Donald Trump America’s presidential election before it goes to Congress or the American people so they can correct it." Who writes this stuff?
  25. By"position" he meant the position they take on policy, not position in the government.
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