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Everything posted by J.C.MacSwell

  1. Some aren't, though they may have been at other points in our evolution.
  2. I would say they were "designed" along evolutionary intertwining paths of reproducing successful offspring, and supporting that offspring, the current manifestation being a human body...a very poor and vulnerable "design" in some respects and absolutely amazing one in others.
  3. There was at least one CNN article referring to 11-10, though I already knew it was 11-8 when I read it. So maybe you're still good...for now
  4. No. I meant the Ford incident only.
  5. I don't think the case has been made that it would make any difference beyond subpoenaing Mark Judge. Unless you are looking to find something outside of the alleged incident...
  6. Absolutely. Toxic on both sides. But that is their job. This can still be taken to court if Ford could build a case and choose to go that route. She would not be treated in court with kip gloves as she was yesterday but she certainly would be well funded.
  7. I might consider subpoenaing the other two Ford alleged to be at the party as well.
  8. That is a ridiculous reason to get an investigation rolling. She would essentially have to admit she intentionally lied to get charged with perjury. If it is proven 100% that she made a false statement there is still a burden of proof that she made it intentionally.
  9. Both Ford and Kavanaugh seemed credible. I don't know how Kavanaugh could have done better, and I don't know how Ford could have appeared more honest. She just lacked any corroborating evidence, and admitted to gaps in memory. I suspect they will either delay, not for an FBI investigation but to subpoena Mark Judge (I would do this immediately, and if it held up proceed with the vote), or go through with the nomination tomorrow based on the lack of evidence. They are after all Lawyers and Politicians.
  10. I would agree with what you stated and add that the accused also deserves to have their testimony given full consideration, in fact the benefit of the doubt in a trial I am less sure of where I would draw the line in this process, but if Dr. Ford's story holds up, and Kavanaughs denials does as well, I would think holding up the vote and investigating further would be appropriate, which I don't believe is necessary at this time given the way much of this has been introduced.
  11. I don't know what lies you are refferring to but I am not defending Kavanaugh. I am attacking the position that an accuser should be believed simply because it is a sex crime and that since sexual assault is underreported it is necessary to assume it is truthful. You and others seem to be in agreement with that line of thinking. You seem emotionally attached to that position. I don't want to put words in your mouth so I emphasize seem. Please correct me if I took what you said the wrong way. Dr. Ford's testimony may hold up today and Kavanaugh's may fall apart. This may make you feel justified in holding the position described (if you do). I will still feel the same way with regard to the principles involved.
  12. Nice to see CNN at publish least a couple of more balanced viewpoints on this: https://www.cnn.com/2018/09/26/opinions/democrats-have-hijacked-metoo-for-political-gain-sheffield/index.html https://www.cnn.com/2018/09/24/opinions/mazie-hirono-on-brett-kavanaugh-threatens-metoo-se-cupp/index.html But don't let anything get in the way of your rush to judgement...
  13. The knowing them closely was the exception only in that they "don't disgust me", for automatically claiming they believe them. I give more of a pass on this to close friends of both Ford and Kavanaugh...not that it makes me believe them. As for the bold, when they turn this "insight" into claims of certain knowledge of a possible occurrence this proves they lack the integrity required to make a judgement.
  14. 1. No. The context was that Ford should be believed because she had the courage to come forward. Not enough females come forward... so they should be automatically believed so that females can be encouraged and made as comfortable as possible to come forward. It is exactly the opposite of due process. https://www.cnn.com/2018/09/18/politics/senator-mazie-hirono-men-shut-up-brett-kavanaugh-sexual-assault/index.html "Not only do women like Dr. Ford, who bravely comes forward, need to be heard, but they need to be believed. They need to be believed," Hirono said alongside her Democratic colleagues Tuesday at a news conference on Capitol Hill. 2. I claimed the Democrats (and Republicans to a lesser extent) were rushing to judgement. I didn't mention demands by either, Democrats or Republicans, however, Ford's (or her Lawyer's) demand that Kavanaugh go first in a hearing is not just unreasonable, it's bizarre and idiotic. What could he say beyond the complete denial he has already made (truthfully or otherwise) at this point?
  15. I've been pretty disgusted by both sides, the many that have claimed they are certain of Kavanaugh's guilt or innocence without closely knowing either Kavanaugh or Ford, and have not yet heard them speak. This seems especially common for many of the Democrats. Some of them sound even more unreasonable than Trump. "Shut up, and step up" sounds like grab a pitchfork and torch...
  16. Still could be size... ...small power!
  17. Fair enough. Thanks for the reply.
  18. I don't think you can actually do that. Outside of some reasonable line of blame (e.g. someone tampered with your birth control) no court would hear it.
  19. If there was an extra large dimension, and everything we knew was traveling at lightspeed in the same direction wrt it, how would we be able to see it?
  20. Marginally, but so would much cheaper floating obstacles of similar size (maybe slightly bigger) When I say much cheaper...I mean very expensive to have any measurable affect.
  21. Just because it came out of Trump's mouth does not mean it can't have some truth to it... ...it may not have made landfall blowing as hard as Trump himself, but it is very large, very wet, and very dangerous
  22. Looking at buying a new comb?
  23. It could be shielded by a Hoover Dam...
  24. Any frame dragging effect would be imperceptibly small. You could easily calculate the loss of mass associated with the rotation, but I expect that would create an immeasurable effect also.
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