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Everything posted by J.C.MacSwell

  1. Well now. That's at least a hint of understanding.
  2. I wasn't suggesting they were economically viable. Just that they exist. They would only be reliable in limited circumstances, and generally only downwind. But I found them interesting.
  3. Kite sails are already in use to propel, or assist in propelling, ships. Some types I believe are in part inflated. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SkySails
  4. This part to me describes what happens without expansion effects, like say two bodies moving with respect to each other inside our solar system. So what if they are far apart enough for an expansion effect, but not enough to lose contact? It would seem like a gain in energy as mistermack alludes to, even without accelerated expansion.
  5. Right...was one a... duck?
  6. None of the examples where there is no restoring torque has any movement of the CoM. Laterally or vertically. When the CoM does move (accelerate) laterally, there is an offsetting lateral force as well.
  7. Sorry. I must have missed where that was claimed. The vertical displacement of mass provides the energy. Restoration does not happen without it. Was adding mass to change the CoM your example? Or was it the "if you could engineer a device" example...
  8. All Janus's post were pretty clear. Much clearer than anyone else, myself included, but I don't see anything mistermack wrote as contradictory. Maybe I'm missing something, but he pretty much implied the same IMO, if you follow his thinking and context of what he meant.
  9. Far too soon. RIP
  10. One other factor in the economics equation during heating season is that you can have the same comfort level with moderate humidity than when it is warmer but dryer. So you might pay a penalty adding moisture on one hand, but save overall.
  11. Thanks T88. That is what I meant.
  12. ...and that's why we always have Janus batting fourth!
  13. kWh isn't kW/hour. It is kW (power) for (not per) an hour (time), giving you energy.
  14. Right. It is the position of the pivot/hang points of the pans that is the key. If halfway between them is the pivot point of the cross beam, any equal weights will have no effect on the balance. If it lies below that there will be a restoring force, and if above it will be the opposite and be unstable.
  15. Because the torque from each just cancels the other. The horizontal distance from the pivot always matches, unlike pans fixed to the cross beam. This is assuming the pivot point is centred on the beam, and the pans hang from points equidistant from and aligned with the pivot point (at same height when beam is level).
  16. You simply can't duplicate conditions 100.0 (add zeroes)%. Even the time of year and position of the Moon becomes a factor for some coins (not that I am even hazarding a guess at the edge/stability requirement of the coins) but some things are simply going to be effectively random at the Newtonian level, never mind quantum effects.
  17. Right. Or in the case of the two craft actually being 2 distant parts of the same larger craft, the back better do a little more accelerating to avoid the larger craft being stretched apart. "Avoiding" the dilation in the original frame would be catastrophic.
  18. Not sure exactly what you are describing but his sounds like the equivalency principle. You could use a balance scale without the use of gravity (say, in outer space somewhere) based on that principle and accelerating the scale, if that is what you are wondering. The scale would (generally) be designed to have just one point of stable equilibrium for any given weighted condition, including empty, and will tend to those/that points.
  19. Raccoons are already positioned and ready to take over when Mankind "messes" up...
  20. It really is that simple (determination of coefficient aside) if Raider does in fact want lift. How he uses it, and proper application, can be simple or complicated as is pretty much any formula.
  21. That's the one. Note that the coefficient will depend on the shape, the angle, and Reynold's number and is generally determined experimentally, so as MigL stated empirically. It increases "fairly" linearly with angle until stall is approached for most profiles, though not zero at zero angle except for symmetric shapes.
  22. The air resistance is not a constant. For identical shapes the drag will be proportional to the square of the velocity, assuming the coefficient of drag does not change. If it does you must factor that in. The only point where the velocity will be the same is at the start, when dropped. The lighter object will otherwise accelerate more slowly but reach it's terminal velocity earlier, at a lower velocity.
  23. Running machinery, equipment and tools... Compressed air has it's advantages and disadvantages over alternatives... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compressed_air It is one of many ways to get dynamic motion...
  24. That would certainly help prove that it is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle, and maybe Euler et al would finally forgive us. They've been a little ticked off for some time now.
  25. ...and of course sound doesn't generally propagate along lines of latitude, the equator and wind and topography effects notwithstanding. Though it could be very close locally, even at the right latitude you would not generally get stationary waves wrt an inertial frame...at least not for long
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