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Everything posted by J.C.MacSwell

  1. Probably a genetic adaptation to avoid moonburn...nothing to worry about
  2. I think we are assuming two different sets of headphones, otherwise identical but one with thicker pads? Assuming the thicker pads are of similar shape otherwise and same material the forces or net pressure X area would be slightly greater. But one set of headphones and a thicker pad on one side only might be what the OP is asking about and what Strange and mistermack are describing.
  3. Agree that the force from the thicker pads would be greater as you describe, but the pressure might be less if the area of contact is increased sufficiently by the greater deformation of the thicker pad.
  4. about .0000116 Hz...and .0000000317 Hz, and .000000000000000133 Hz...at least for the only three I can think of... Don't know Don't know
  5. Don't kid yourself Jimmy. If those spherical cows ever got the chance, they'd eat you and everyone you care about!
  6. It is the force required to accelerate 1 Kg by a metre per second, every second.
  7. Aren't Keplers Laws based on something relatively small orbiting something significantly larger? (specifically the planets around the Sun in our solar system) Edit: I guess it does work for binaries also...thanks Mordred
  8. two turbines...counter rotating...plus of course heat resistance and control
  9. You are wondering where the entropy increase is? The gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy is converted to electrical energy (stored or used), and waste thermal energy.
  10. Occam's razor. Until we have an example where mass energy equivalence does not occur, or it would explain something that is otherwise unexplainable. it is the simplest assumption based on current physics...similar to assuming undetectable pink unicorns do not exist when no one is looking, even though no one has proven they don't exist.
  11. Here is one example...fairly easy to build quickly with commonly available items including two inexpensive magnifying glasses.
  12. LOL I can't keep up...my Wiki is on the fritz
  13. Yeah...better stop...I had baked beans for my suppernova...and that kind of free energy no one needs!
  14. I guess if that's the jets...Benny must be the accretion disc
  15. I guess that puts a new spin on "Hawking" radiation...might lead to a better GUT theory
  16. Not exactly as stated but agree with the second bolded but not the first. A wave is not just a point in space, and the energy of the wave itself, in total, should be constant (any dissipation aside), should it not?
  17. I think you left out a "p". There are two in suppertime...the well known eating time dimension.
  18. There must be a steady state temperature for, say, a gas ball that would be a maximum. Particles would have the maximum kinetic energy without escape velocity from the ball, yet the gas ball would have to be limited in size and density such that it would not become a black hole. Or is there something wrong with that assumption?
  19. What is the top of the string attached to? Without even doing the math (because let's face it...you haven't)...picture the fixed point unconstrained horizontally
  20. I think you would still get it, the disturbance/vibration, certainly saturation if already underwater, and possibly an artesian effect for some uplift. It does not have to be much to lose much of the little shear or static friction forces the sand particles might otherwise maintain. Any water displaced by the feet adds to the effect.
  21. It could have been a quicksand effect, from you disturbing the sand, a slight upward fow of water through the sand, or combination there of: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quicksand
  22. Not sure of the setup you described, but it sounds like the pressure of the additional head from the sink slowly pushes the water through the clog...but not when the additional head is not present. Or are you describing a clogged trap. The trap always maintains some water to seal sewage gases from venting back into your house...normal operation it holds some water whether clogged or not, as the water has to go uphill to get further down the system, and can only do this with at least a small amount of head.
  23. That reminds me of the joke: "What is the last thing that goes through a bees mind when it hits the windshield?"
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