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Everything posted by J.C.MacSwell

  1. This seems of concern IMO that spouses can share the same voting booth in North Carolina. https://ncnewsline.com/2024/10/25/alamance-county-married-couples-polling-booths/
  2. Well...I would say that some people are racist and sexist, some more than Trump, and these people seem to gravitate more toward the GOP than the Democrats...in part, but not all...because Trump
  3. I've heard they often factor up the younger age groups to account for their low tendency to answer polls...increasing the margin of error in the poll itself. I think they also expect these groups to vote less than they might in this one. It may turn out that younger females voting for the first time make the difference. So hopefully we are pleasantly surprised come Wednesday morning but right now it just seems like a coin flip.
  4. The sides I was referring to were the politicians and pundits of the Democrat and Republican parties, and no I don't expect any reasonable debate any time soon.
  5. Let the fireworks begin!
  6. +1. We have at least a semblance of a reasonable system. Hopefully the US can get back to at least that.
  7. The point is that everyone has more than just a sense that there is a substantial difference between a fetus in the third trimester, that often live even born prematurely, and one in the first, yet polls like that often totally ignore it. That in itself is leading if the implication is a more average pregnancy. Given that, I don't think describing Canadians as a majority being completely pro-choice is accurate as the question wasn't put in that manner.
  8. Enough to know they would seek political advantage to the detriment of reasonable compromise, Hard to blame given the current political climate...but blame they will
  9. Right. One that could lead to a reasonable compromise if both sides were willing to debate it...but it seems they would just be taken advantage of if they tried.
  10. Why then do the Democrats not make it clear that they don't support it? That, despite the relative rarity, is foremost in what they are being accused of. I'm surprised Trump, the way he exaggerates hasn't accused Democrats of being in favour of killing babies after they're born...oh wait...he has...
  11. Thanks CY. Interesting that the health, age and viability of the fetus isn't reflected in any of the categories. I think the poll would come out quite differently if it had been, and then aggregated in those 5 categories. Despite that poll indicating otherwise I don't think a majority of Canadians would be okay with abortion on demand for a healthy fetus just prior to potential birth in all cases, even if the demand would be considered an unlikely occurrence.
  12. In favour of what, exactly? Unrestricted access vs no access? I suspect both would be minority positions in Canada. But obviously those numbers describe neither.
  13. I've always encouraged everyone to vote regardless of who I thought they might vote for...but now I find myself hoping you told this guy "right on man, don't forget to get out next Wednesday on Nov 6th and vote...I hear they're tearing up the early ballots!"
  14. No doubt, but in this case it's both recent and very easy to connect the dots. Hinchcliffe is claiming it's just jokes, but he was warming up a crowd for Trump. I've not heard of anything to indicate Trump took exception to it, when he spoke at the rally afterwards or since
  15. I'm sure that is also true. As obvious as it might be to you, more blunt will surely make it harder for his GOP cohorts to liesplain away the more outrageous statements, such as Tony Hinchcliffe's "jokes". To their credit, some in the GOP condemn his remarks...too bad it needs to be taken to that level before they respond.
  16. On topic...with much of the GOP going around claiming Trump doesn't really mean what he says...surely Trump himself will need to explain some of the stuff said on his behalf at yesterdays rally: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/10/28/fact-check-donald-trumps-madison-square-garden-rally-in-new-york-city (the outright racial insults...not the more of the same run-of-the-mill lies)
  17. At the time he was more a symptom stemming from the radical left, which allowed at least some of his blowhard proclamations to seem reasonable by comparison... He had always been an a-hole, but hadn't outed himself as a dangerous insurrectionist.
  18. One might expect that 18-29 women demographic to be even higher this time around, given women's reproductive rights being a significant issue.
  19. If they print enough money we'll see an inflationary effect...maybe they just didn't over do it?
  20. Just to add to INow's answer, it's not just about the amount of money, printed and otherwise effectively out there, but how fast it circulates...along with a number of other factors that affect "the market".
  21. Shocked to hear that...given that exactly none of them would be likely to claim a similarity...the Trump kool-aid doesn't include those ingredients...it's more towards accepting a pussy grabbing messiah here to deliver us from the evils of democracy...
  22. A more recent and actual example in the border dispute region between India and China: To paraphrase Winston Churchill it is better to "stick stone" than to war war or nuke nuke... They got back to jaw jaw much quicker that way.
  23. Water balloon fights in the summer. Snowball fights in the winter. No escalations to sticks and stones...
  24. Trump built at least some of it and put a healthy markup on it, did he not? It's not his fault the current administration forgot to send Mexico the bill. Even if it had been included in the border bill he kiboshed he can hardly be blamed. Wasn't on his watch. Everything was wonderful and best ever with him as POTUS. If Trump says tariffs are good for the country who are these "economists" to question that?
  25. It doesn't seem to be showing in the polls though, at least not overall nor in critical States. Or am I missing something? It seemed to be heading in the right direction for a while but seems otherwise lately.
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