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Everything posted by J.C.MacSwell

  1. http://greenopolis.com/myopolis/blogs/ecodiscoveries/chlorine-bleach-can-cause-asthma
  2. There should be a torque and an additional non centripetal reaction force at the center as well if the clock motor is accelerating the arm or compensating for drag.
  3. After the first 10 seconds how far will they be apart? After 15 seconds how far will they be apart?
  4. What term would you use? Or do you not find the concept useful at all?
  5. Just a question: (I think we have discussed this before somewhat differently) Say you had a "black box" or better yet "black sphere", in space, and you cannot look inside. Assuming it is at rest, how do you measure the mass of it? Would you consider your answer to be the mass of the sphere, or the "rest mass" of the sphere, or the sum of the "relativistic mass" components of the sphere?
  6. The more chocolate I eat, the relatively fatter I get. I hate biology!
  7. From the east?
  8. I'm holding out for something even simpler. That is all.
  9. But...we can't help it!
  10. Good rules Bob. Just for clarification; when releasing a stone from a catapult into a mob of Bob's, would "Take THAT, Bob's!" be appropriate?
  11. I'm sorry ABV but if I guessed what the above meant, I think I would be doing you a disservice to answer. You are probably doing an excellent attempt at translation, much better than I could do, but I cannot tell exactly what you mean. Most of it I think I understand. I will add this. If the isolated system, in summation, has no net linear momentum, the center of mass will never move, it will constantly remain in the same place.
  12. Yes it will because the additional mass, the ring, was originally at rest with respect to the surface.
  13. The red element has no linear momentum. Opposite the red element, at the highest point on the ring, there is an element with double the average linear momentum of the ring. Removing the red element from consideration increases the average linear momentum of the remaining elements. Which means the surface will return to initial velocity after all.
  14. So...the momentum does get transferred to the surface and the surface (which has increased in mass) is now moving...at the same velocity it had prior to the little human on the left giving the ring the initial push. No problem.
  15. I don't think it would change me personally. I think given the power to do everything I wanted everyone would be better off, at least after they got used to worshiping me once a week and never taking my name in vain.
  16. Not sure what you are getting at but I hope you don't think the rolling object will come to a halt without transferring any of it's momentum to the surface.
  17. Exactly. In the adult world you must yell "Mine" much longer and louder than anyone else, and have bigger guns.
  18. Dolly Parton was once asked what she would like people to think of her 100 years from now. She replied that she would like them to think "Darn she looks good for her age!"
  19. 1. (first bold) I'm guessing yes, both evolved and much more so individually adapted. 2. (second bold) What does this mean and how did you draw this conclusion?
  20. Then let's call the new element Max Swellium. (Or better yet let's save that name for some small blue pills and we can make a fortune )
  21. I agree...except how is that 2 events?
  22. No. It is not just the rate. Observers in various rest frames can not agree on a common starting point in time for different locations.
  23. That's correct, mathematically. What would have to happen for a material to be 100% inflexible? It would have to respond at infinite speed. Mathematically pretty straight forward but physically impossible with our current understanding of physical law.
  24. But unless you are vitamin A deficient, it won't make any difference. Is it too early to mention the Nazis in this thread? http://www.unsolvedmysteries.com/usm434311.html
  25. When you are ready, you will welcome it.
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