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Everything posted by J.C.MacSwell

  1. Inspite of virtually no conduction or convection losses you would freeze your butt in a hurry without adequate protection/spacesuit, would you not?
  2. Not the Hoyle Model. A Horizon would be maintained by the "Hubble flow" (and in this case the Hubble constant really was "constant")
  3. Steady State Models can account for GR. The Hoyle model used "continuous creation" to fill in the ever increasing "void" of space-time. It could not reasonably explain the CMB, though there may be other reasons as well that it fell out of favour.
  4. This is not correct.
  5. Less background noise, less wind/turbulence generally. and colder air, again generally.
  6. It is 2.7 K because of the minimal light or energy you would still receive and, after reaching equlibrium, emit. This is assuming you are "on the big bang track" with the energy coming in balanced/equal from all directions. The "night sky" would look basically the same except you may not recognize the patterns/constellations depending on how far off you moved.
  7. OK, I have:(from "the international dictionary of physics and electronics, second edition 1961, D. Van Nostrand Co.) Rest Frame: Lorentz frame in which the total momentum of a system vanishes. AND Lorentz Frame: Any of the set ofcoordinate systems in Minkowski space for which the square of the interval between two events is c^2dt^2-(dx)^2. Any such coordinate system may be obtained from another by means of Lorentz transformation (together perhaps, with an orthagonal transformation of the space axes). With each Lorentz may be associated a point observer, each of whom moves with constant velocity relative to the others.
  8. I checked last night, but will re-check to get the right wording.
  9. You feel a force and force gradients within yourself. I would say if you feel force gradients in this way you "feel" the acceleration, but I think it is open to interpretation.
  10. OK, I have:(from "the international dictionary of physics and electronics, second edition 1961, D. Van Nostrand Co.) Rest Frame: Lorentz frame in which the total momentum of a system vanishes.
  11. I understand what you are saying. I will try to find out the correct definition, or if there is more than one accepted use of the term in physics.
  12. If the Big Crunch Model is correct we can consider ourselves in a back hole.
  13. The gravitational gradient at the horizon of a large enough black hole would be very slight. So what is the concern?
  14. How about in terms of a time frame. Is the CMB/Hubble the "oldest" relative to the big bang? I realize that can vary from body to body depending on it's history (or multiple histories of component parts) but would a particle that has been at rest the longest in this CMB/Hubble frame be the "oldest"? Would a particle that has been at rest "forever" in this CMB/Hubble frame be assumed to be at the age of the Universe (15 billion,say)? I realize a particle that deviated from this "Hubble path" without returning may consider itself "older" (14.9, say, but still considers itself older than the "constant Hubble particle" which it considers to be 14.8,say) . Hope this makes some sense.
  15. To what extent do the CMB and the Hubble expansion define a preffered reference frame?
  16. Thank-you anyway. I will give this some thought.
  17. The steady state theory (read model/s) has no big bang. One model had continuous creation of matter to balance the expansion, thus creating a steady state.
  18. I forgot about the moon which would be significant. You can almost ignore the sun if you jump "today" or 6 months from now. There must be a path/tunnel that would exit you somewhere (near?) the Earth's surface if you jumped at the right time.
  19. 1. We would see their clock speed up (due to velocity) if they slowed in our reference frame. 2. We would see their clock slow down (due to acceleration) if they accelerated/deccelerated in our reference frame. So if they deccelerated relative to us "effect 1." would overwhelm "effect 2"?
  20. So if they deccelerate enough to "live longer" they are unlikely to reach the ground?
  21. Aren't they created in collisions and deccelerate they're whole "life"?
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