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  1. Syn5

    AlphaOmega Theory

    The position in space/time of all particles is determined by the orbit. The observable universe takes into account only a slice of that orbit. The rest of the orbit lies in non-existance or Entropy. But all the same the orbit is made up of many realities. My visual theory explains how everything is tied and can mathematically explained and achieved I believe.
  2. So I realized it's not my theory that's wrong it's language. Here is a visual representation of my previous Theory of Everything and Nothing: Simple and Elegant. I can't think of anything more right.
  3. I meant creativity can amaze.
  4. Thank you. Also I'm sorry guys for being close minded myself, I just read the pinned thread.
  5. Ok I don't know the proper math or way to express a scientific theory. Eh I have money, guess I'll just pay a theoretical physicist's salary for a bit then come back with a formula. I thought maybe I could find someone here to playfully yet passionately bounce around abstract ideas with. Why did I chose this place? Well I have all the creativity I need, so I needed man of science. I'm guessing this forum thinks Leonard Susskind is insane and The World as Hologram is insane? If he's right then we are all just a 4D representation of 2D information and my ideas are suddenly not so abstract.
  6. Look my theory is just an exercise in deep thought. I am perfectly sane. At least I hope. I am sane enough to know that there's a great chance I am wrong. But the fact that I can even think about such abstract concepts that do not follow reality as we know it amazes me. Actually It amazes everyone and it's called creativity. And the fact is the MATRIX is theoretically possible. So maybe we are all having a psychotic episode, a break from reality lol. Gosh it's not like I am saying this is fact. Maybe theory wasn't the right word? One of the pitfalls of ignorance. Lack of vocabulary. Also incase you didn't read the title. I am a synesthete (research has shown many of us are, not rare really). So if my vocabulary is a bit eccentric/poetic/spiritual it's only because I have some merging of the senses. Isn't your favorite area of study neuroscience?
  7. I'm coming up with a logical answer. According to the Bible. God is both Alpha and Omega. If God speaks truth, we know: He's beyond time/space. If he is beyond space/time he can be both right and wrong. If you take away time and space you need not worry about being wrong or right. Those are concepts based purely on perspective. Free Will is perfectly compatible with my formula.
  8. Let's use my formula: God Alpha (Full Awareness) and Jesus (Matter) and Holy Spirit (Energy) and Father (Entropy) = Human Realm (Partial Awareness) and Jesus (Matter) and Holy Spirit (Energy) and Father (Entropy) = God Omega (Complete Awareness) Where Alpha=Omega
  9. Very interesting didn't know the hologram theory was so close to being tested: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/29/space-hologram-experiment-two-dimensions_n_5726262.html
  10. Yes but only because it has been observed by us. It has been acted upon by something of lesser Entropy (less possible space/time outcomes, more rules to follow). Any attempt to detect it using particles of lesser entropy will cause the dark matter to reveal some information (only that which complies with space/time), but it's still mostly hidden information (the full scope of its info is not representable in space/time). Entropy. And all particles (observable bits) act this way. Why? Because they are at the deepest level connected, one in the same, to their complete polar opposites. Dark particles (hidden bits). How do we directly observe Dark Matter? Far as I know we haven't been able to and Dark Matter is only hypothesized. Check out the Leonard Susskind on The World as a Hologram: All reality is bits of indestructible information. You cannot create or destroy the bits. What you can do is split reality. On one extreme you have nothing (singularity) on the other endless possibility (max entropy). Our observable reality falls somewhere in between. For now. And what is reality but an observation of events which can then be translated back into their most basic form. Binary information. Bits of information. Indestructible. In other words it's very much like a computer. A mix of tangible (hardware) and intangible (software) held together by binary information, 1's or 0's, on or off, happened or didn't happen. I forgot one critical piece of the puzzle. What came first? What's more real? I choose to believe we have our own unique perception. I choose to believe everything is connected yet unique. Like the cells of our body. And because of that I will treat my fellow particle or dark particle with love. That means I will treat my fellow human as I would myself, with respect.
  11. I believe everything from smallest to biggest, from simplest to most complex, tangible to intangible, is directly connected. Chi, emotion, etc no different. It's all just an infinite amount of ever changing bits of visible and hidden information being infinitely processed by Time/Space.
  12. Hopefully my predictions make more sense.
  13. Is it not true dark matter doesn't react to light? Reason it's called dark? Ok if space/time is dimensional, 4D to be specific, then yes I'm using the wrong word. What I am trying to say is that dark particles exist in a place where the rules are literally the opposite. And the only way to observe it directly is to cease existing in this reality. How do you do that? Jump into a black hole. The closer to the middle you get the more entropy, mass. Until you reach a point where you're entropy is too great for the rules of this reality. The event horizon. Keep going and you will start to lose entropy and hit the singularity. Keep going. Entropy will increase again until it no longer complies with the rules of our reality. You are in the dark reality. But it's a you without time/space, endless time/space configurations. As humans what place am I describing. Where rules/logic do not apply. The mind. So I predict even thought, emotions, all the intangibles are all coming from the same source, meaning they are just different kinds of particles. I predict this can be observed by looking at how much matter a galaxy's back hole is taking in. And then looking to see if it proportionally affects the density of dark particles around the galaxy's center black hole.
  14. How is that not Science? It is fact shakespeare was made up of a body, a body made of organs, organs made of cells, cells made of molecules, and so and so on... till u reach? A binary system and beyond that singularity. Where 0 and 1, yes and no are one and the same, just as possible. Quantum mechanics. But, as I said before, there has to be balance. You cant have singularity or max entropy for long in a space/time dimension. But a non space/time dimension can. That's why Dark particles must comply with all laws not being observed by space/time matter and vice-versa. You can observe that everything is a collection of events that happened or didn't happen. This is only true in our dimension no matter the scale because time/space. It's not possible in a dark dimension, a dimension that doesn't interact with space/time, space/time rules do not apply.
  15. Look at it deeper. Was Shakespeare not just a collection of particles himself? A very long and complex string of binary outcomes chosen from all possible hidden outcomes (entropy)?
  16. Test: All particles = Bits of information with visible and hidden information. Imagine particles are like events. An event can have many outcomes. But due to the laws of this dimension only chunks of the event's total information are observable, the rest remain hidden. Is this not what entropy is? Now you as the observer will experience the same event (chunk of information) differently depending on your position in time/space (at times I've called it awareness). But what happens with all the event information that wasn't read by us, the entropy? We can observe it's effect, it's called gravity. The less visible info (observable in space/time) we have the greater the invisible info (entropy), thus increasing mass. If I am having a problem with units of measurement it's only because my concept shows dark particles see time/space as fiction. Language/logic, observation itself is a product time/space so using it to explain something beyond time/space is difficult but I hope possible. My hypothesis: Things of lesser entropy will have more mass. They will in turn have more Dark particles around it. Very similar to a black hole, but of inverted. Instead of matter getting sucked in Dark particles are sucked in. So just look for things of great mass (center galaxies) and you'll always find a dense ring of dark particles around it like the Event Horizon of a black hole, but dark vs regular particles. Actually all observable particles (visible info) are like black holes containing hidden info (entropy). But if you add up all of the visible and hidden info it should add up to the same number as any other particle. In other words all particles hold the same amount of info, its this distribution of hidden/visble info which decides how that particle (event) is observed in this reality/dimension/awareness/point in space/time, all the same just different vocabulary. Ummm... I'm pretty sure I could store all of that info in a computer. Is not a computer a completely binary system at it's core? So is reality.
  17. Everything in our reality can be represented in 2 dimensions (Yes or No, 1/0, Binary). We live in a Yes or No dimension. And really you can't have No without Yes. Yes and No are linked by their very nature. Imagine reality as a binary storage device that can't erase or create information (particles). You can't because a particle is just a physical representation of an overall Yes or No. I say overall because even a particle is a collection of yes or nos. The Yes bits are observable in this Yes dimension. The No bits are not directly observable in the Yes dimension. The Yes bits are not hidden, the No bits are hidden. Entropy.
  18. Ok predictions. Matter is turned into Dark Matter where Matter is destroyed and vice-versa. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/dark-matter-wimps-fermi-milky-way/ and http://www.universetoday.com/102903/where-is-dark-matter-most-dense-subaru-telescope-gets-some-hints/ I also predict our universe is expanding due to dark matter decreasing, and its proportionate and observable. Entropy + Matter = Dark Matter Dark Matter - Entropy = Matter The plus or minus (polarity) for Matter is changed at the Event Horizon of a black hole.
  20. Directly to both. Seems thermodynamic entropy is measuring the possible outcomes, where information theory is taking the output then calculating what we missed to build some sort of negative map of the source. The source in my theory being the information all particles rely on, it's the framework, the BIOS. My theory also explains why an isolated system's entropy never decreases. Because the system is not being observed by something of equal or less entropy. An isolated system has nothing to transfer entropy to, thus it can't loose it. Remember information is indestructible. Entropy is just hidden indestructible information. It also explains why entropy rises even in complete vacuum. Because even in vacuum the system is not truly isolated, it's still being observed my something with higher entropy. My theory also perfectly explains dark-matter and how it relates to us, and I also know how gravity works.
  21. Thank you so much. This is exactly what I am able to do. I learned how to direct my ears towards sound last night. Actually if I focus I can pretty much move any muscle, I seem to also be able to cause veins to contract. Also if I concentrate really hard on the feeling of touch my skin will react by tensing up in just that nickel size spot, if I hold focus too long it leaves a hickey.
  22. Entropy is just information hidden to the observer due to a limited perspective or awareness. In my theory think of everything making up physical reality as bits of information. And the fact is reality is just that, bits of information with hidden information. Elemental particles with entropy.
  23. Is not all matter made up of particles acting like waves? With entropy regarding space/time? The Holographic principle in String theory and the double-slit experiment. When I say particle I mean it literally. When I say awareness I also mean it literally. Only after a particle is observed does it's speed and direction become tangible, before that it's just entropy. Only when an awareness small enough to observe does the particle become a real output in the shared reality, anything beyond that will be unknown to those not on that level of awareness.
  24. Ok. If an awareness (particle) is not being observed (acted upon by another particle) then the rules of the shared awareness (observable reality, not all reality) do not apply. The particle is then free to do everything and nothing until it's observed and the rules of the shared observable reality apply again, a choice that then complies is chosen. Is this not observable? The sentence is the formula, change the object to whatever input you want. Example: Ok. If an awareness (person, collection of particles) is not being observed (acted upon by another particle, even it's own) then the rules of the shared awareness (we can dream, see colors that dont exist etc.) do not apply. The Person is then free to do everything and nothing until it's observed and the rules apply again, a choice that then complies is chosen. It can be applied at any scale, is completely observable, and applies to anything including the intangibles like emotion.
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