Hey there,
I'm sorry to post something so stupid here, but there's an aspect of this that I'd like to get a clear, concise answer to if at all possible. It's regarding this supposed patent on the "EboBun" variant. The patent information cited in the the whacko page below....
Is here: https://www.google.com/patents/CA2741523A1
The particular whacko who's posting this junk says:
"This is not the exact strain that is currently infecting people but they [the US gov] are stating that any form of the virus that at least shares 70% of their patent is their property. This is also clearly stated in the documents. those "individuals" (patent applicants) work for the government and under listed applicants it CLEARLY states The Government Of The United States Of America As Represented By The Sec Retary, Department Of Health & Human Services, Center For Disease Control"
So, what are your takes on this patent? Is this actually a case of government trying to patent ebola, or, what? What are the real world implications of this?
Input from you knowledgeable folks would be very appreciated.
Thank you!