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  1. Organism. In biology an organism is a contiguous living system, such as a vertebrate, insect, plant or bacterium. All known types of organism are capable of some degree of response to stimuli, reproduction, growth and development and self-regulation. (Wikipedia) "we will explore the city as the most complex human-made “organism” with a metabolism that can be modeled in terms of stocks and flows." What do they mean when they said "contiguous living system?" and in the quote above is it really, in a sense, right to say that a city is "the most complex human-made 'organism' with...?"
  2. I think I was not able to properly convey my question due to my lack of knowledge and so I'll study first. In the mean time, Then might it be possible to create a self-sustaining bio-sphere outside earth? in terms that it can support an ecosystem.
  3. Thank you for the advice and I'll narrow down my questions. I am curious as to what age this awareness becomes common in children especially children in their adolescent years. I am also looking to understand the psychological impact on kids as they become aware of the fact that they will one day die and what their reactions will be. As for impact on society, I'm referencing it to central Asian cultures. Personally I think that making adolescent children reflect on the thought that one day they will die may be helpful. Nowadays I see children not valuing their life by taking their parent's advice and guidance lightly and also by doing drugs. If they understand the value of life in a sense that it must not be taken for-granted but that it is something to be cherished and utilized then maybe the world would be a better place?
  4. The purposes of this topic are intended for but not limited to creative discussion, learning, hypothesis and theoretical discussions. Is it possible to create an artificial self-sustaining planet? self-sustaining in terms of Earth. If the above question is possible then,can that planet be as large as a Galaxy and if not, can it be "of substantial size" relative to the Galaxy? Galaxy in terms of the milky way(our galaxy) If the above is possible then, can that planet or whatever you may call it be able to function as a spheroid that exhibits the characteristics of both a galaxy and a planet? I have to be honest that I am not what you may call a knowledgeable person in Physics nor in most sciences and I did neglect them in the past, but I it's not too late too learn! It is only until recently have I discovered passion for science and I'm glad with it, I just hoped I discovered it earlier. So please take this into consideration and if possible can you refer to me the sources, books, and any other resource that you use so that I too may be able to read, study and learn from them. Thank You! -Marie
  5. I agree with you and especially with the last 2 paragraphs. In my opinion, people are quick to accept things that are easy to accept and they tend to be biased with things that are in conflict with their ideals and/or interests. There are too many things to consider before claiming that fantasy war games create sociopaths. In my case I am an avid gamer and fan of war games, novels movies etc. I have played them war games for years since I was 12 and I continue to do so. My reason for playing war games is that it's just simply "fun" for me, I treat it lightly as how games should be treated. But I'm not a sociopath nor am I a person who glorifies war, in fact I condone the act of war. People have different reasons as to why they do the things they do and it is not fair nor reasonable to blame one single thing to be the cause of one's actions.
  6. What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Mortality Salience? Personally I'm 17 and as far as I recall I've be death salient(not so sure if that's the right term) ever since I was 13. I wasn't aware of Mortality Salience until now, in the past I thought it was just paranoia. Having learnt of this are there any published research articles on case studies about mortality salience among children? and overall if all people or a group of people became mortality salient, what will be the advantages, disadvantages and impact of it to our society? I'm not so sure if this falls in the category of Psychology or Sociology
  7. 1.Believe that it's reasonable to believe in a Personal God? Shouldn't people believe what they want to believe in as long as it does not harm others or themselves? 2.Believe that God affects things through Quantum Mechanics? I don't quite get why God would affect things through Quantum Mechanics. The generally accepted definition of God is a Creator and Supreme Ruler so shouldn't God be able to affect the everything else and not limited to Quantum Mechanics? 3.Thoughts on an Afterlife? After death for me, the only thing that would count is how I lived my life in the present and what I leave behind for the future. In a sense don't key people of our world, for example Alexander the Great, Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Genghis Khan, etc., in a sense continue to live on through the books as do many notable figures of our world? Personally I don't believe that it is not impossible of such a thing as an afterlife to exist since there are no solid records of people who are LEGALLY DEAD coming back alive and say what it was like to have died. 4.When the world ends do you think it could come back or would that be the the Day of Judgement? No clue. The only thing I know for sure is that our sun will blow up billions years from now except if some accident happens today and all the nuclear arsenal detonates in our world.
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