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About Robittybob1

  • Birthday 11/06/1953

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    New Zealand
  • Interests
    Politics religion, physics and biology
  • College Major/Degree
    Bachelor degree
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  1. It is not the deaths to COVID 19 that are the problem. It appears to be the large number of hospital cases requiring ventilation for weeks and then possibly months to recover.
  2. I did see a YT of this couple who were making Kefir and bread using the same strain of yeast. While later I couldn't find the same video, but I do recall it.
  3. Didn't you mean "cosmic"?
  4. That is another mystery in itself.
  5. The McCann's rental car is hired 23 days after the disappearance of Madeleine. One moment Goncalo Amaral says the McCanns (the day after her disappearance) hid Madeleine's body inside a coffin resting in the local church under a body of a woman that was going to be cremated the next day. Well if that was the case how did the odour get in the car that hadn't yet been hired? His reasoning seems rather flawed to me. I'm tending to the view that Madeleine is still alive and that she was taken out of the apartment in a combination of two events that are unrelated but they coincide in a strange way. It could go something like this: 1. Person 1 thinks he has caused the accidental death of Madeleine (M1) and takes her out of the apartment and hides her nearby around 9:15 PM. 2. A family group of 2 males and 1 female (Persons 2, 3 and 4) were planning to kidnap a particular child from the resort. 3. Person 2 finds the still alive child M1 (maybe just overly sedated) and proceeds with the plan to remove her from Praia da Luz. 4. Persons 3 and 4 puts a truly deceased child M2 belonging to Persons 2 and 3 back into apartment 5A via the window but they accidently leave the kids bedroom window open. 5. Person 1 finds this deceased child in the apartment and hides this other child M2 thinking someone had returned the body of Madeleine (M1) back to the apartment, but Person 1 does not (can't, won't) tell the McCanns of what has happened in steps 1 and 5. 6. When the search is in full swing Person 1 takes child M2 away from the temporary hiding place and hides her quite a distance from the apartment. 7. After Danie Krugel has identified the two search areas Person 1 takes the hidden M2 in the McCanns rental car while the McCanns are away on one of their overseas trips. 8. Person 1 goes back to England. 9. Later the cadaver dogs reveal that a cadaver had been in the apartment and the McCanns can't explain it. This really complex scenario can account for all the blood spots and cadaver positions and yet leaves the McCanns in a position of total innocence. So if this proposed scenario is right the body of M2 will not be found in any of the identified search areas. In this complex scenario M1 and M2 were both conceived by IVF and were biological sisters (this accounts for the partial but very close DNA matches (even the PJ say there is evidence of more than 1 DNA source) This relationship further accounts for the similarity of the hair samples). It is step 2 that I plan to discuss with Scotland Yard for I believe we have identified this group of three persons in a photo with Madeleine in tow comparing them with other identikits and photos produced by several others at Praia da Luz.
  6. Thanks. For a moment I thought you might be working for Scotland Yard as a "chemistry expert"! Scotland Yard may not have been involved with the case at the time the McCanns called in Danie Krugel. It was the McCanns who asked the PJ to call in the cadaver dogs based on the results of Danie's findings. The immanent arrival of the cadaver dogs seems to have fueled within someone the need to shift "the body". It is reported "over 30 adults" had access to the McCanns rental car, the one in which the cadaver odour and matching DNA was found. It wasn't a full match, just 15 out of the 19 alleles matched, so it was 1:1 billion chance it was related to Madeleine. Was Michel123456 right; could there have been a twin involved? The YT documentary "Documentary MadeleineMcCann WHAT THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW" seems to suggest something along these lines too. I haven't been able to track down the narrator Nicole Anderson yet but there are other incidences of her on the internet. So whether she is "catwoman" I don't know but she (catwoman) certainly has done a lot of research into this case.
  7. That is extremely cryptic. I would like to see you in Praia da Luz as well as in London.
  8. Yesterday I made a significant breakthrough in my research. Today I made my first report of this information to Scotland Yard's Operation Grange. I will share this information with the forum if SY does not take it seriously.
  9. If Gobekli Tepe circles had these long lead-in arms then I'd agree it was used for hunting animals. Do they have the trapping mechanism?
  10. I think there is a validity. It is valid for this Martin Grimes, the dogs' owner and trainer, had been correct in 199 out of 200 cases he had been involved in (at that stage of his career). He knew his dogs reactions so well, he was able to sense where to take his dogs to sniff out the important details. Basically the dogs had to be in and over the spots of blood or the spots where the cadaver odour was to make it work. Kate noticed this "directing" of his dogs and hence called it an "incomplete science". Where the PJ went wrong IMO was to not keep all the logic options (mathematical) open no matter how illogical they were. The logic in this case using the combination of dogs was that every spot of blood could potentially have come from a different person and each place where cadaver odour was found was potentially a different cadaver, even if it seems unlikely that there is more than one person or victim involved. Kate noticed this flaw and started talking about touching deceased persons in the last week of her job. People began saying this was "unlikely" but the science behind what limits to which a dog can sense the cadaver odour is not there. Touching a cadaver at work could account for the odour being on "cuddle cat" and her's and madeline's clothing, but then it could potentially also be on every other item she touched for the last week as well e.g. the books she read to the kids before they went to sleep. If you go through the videos (like I have) the other trainer (sorry I forget his name) and Martin (himself) tells us that each of the indications is not proof in itself but has to be backed up with corroborating evidence e.g DNA or witness testimony. Like the story in the end has to be able to account for a cadaver (not necessarily the same cadaver) being at each of the 11 or so locations. I couldn't see how this was possible with the scenarios being proposed on line or officially by Goncalo Amaral. There had to be a different story IMO.
  11. No, the dog "Eddie" was trained only to react to human cadaver odour. A very specialised training method is involved. The dog "Keela" was trained only to react to human blood.
  12. Do they know how old the drawings are in #59? Interesting similarity.
  13. That shape is so unsuitable for the capture of animals. Humans and humanoids would have been using pits and traps for catching prey for millions of years. There would be the aspect of clever design and cunning evident in any device or structure used and I don't see it in the Gobekli Tepe structures sorry.
  14. It is an unusual situation for the parents now that the twins are growing up and learning how to access the internet and use Google. There are hundreds of websites that are just full of claims that "the parents did it". From the sequence of events as I understand it Danie Krugel advised the Mccanns to get cadaver dogs brought in, and I saw a YT yesterday in which Gerry claims that he asked for the cadaver dogs to be brought in. Now if that is true that points to a complete innocence IMO. Innocence as in lack of involvement with burying bodies at least. They seem to accept with hindsight it was silly of them to leave the kids so unprotected. I can't imagine how a guilty person would ever encourage the police to bring in the cadaver dogs that had a track record of being right in 199 out of the last 200 cases they had been involved in. It is only after the unexplainable situation (from the Mccann's point of view) that there had been cadavers in the apartment that Gerry did more research into cadaver dogs and found that they were "unreliable". I am tending to agree "they are unreliable" in some way too, for if there are 11 places where the dogs indicated that mathematically could allow for a solution of a total of 11 different cadavers, for they don't distinguish between cadavers just cadaver material yes or no! This obviously would be the extreme and might occur in a serial killer situation where there were multiple victims buried in around a property. It is like when doing square roots you must not ignore the negative number solution e.g. square root of 4 = +2 or - 2 yet most people would just give you the solution of 2 only.
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