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Everything posted by Robittybob1

  1. What do you mean proven wrong? All I see is a lot of doubt and very little proof.
  2. Did you write a macros?
  3. So how did you work it out? I used a macros that that looked at randon numbers and checked them for validity.
  4. I didn't find any other solutions either. for 2,3,5, 6,7, 8. only 1 solution for 4.
  5. Are they all different values or can they be the same number i.e. can both A and B = 2?
  6. Starting from a five digit number and then multiplied by 4 still equals a 5 digit answer that first digit can either be 1 or 2 but not 3 Let's assume it is ABCDE and all digits different. How many different numbers can there be under 25000? If we allow A to be 0 then ABCDE is really only a 4 digit number which would imply E has to be 5, but any 5 digit number starting with 5 divided by 4 will be over 10,000 so both number are truly 5 digits i.e. A <>0.
  7. Given time it will change. You learn this as a human you have to wait. Time before change but then if the change is regular we use that change to measure time e.g the hourglass.
  8. Viruses and cancer causing agents are selecting the fittest all the time, and as the population builds up the viruses mutate faster. I think there is a lot happening behind the scenes. Diets change and we have to evolve to suit the food source. Lactose tolerance, gluten tolerance, casein A1 tolerance are being selected for. OK some individuals are fighting back but it is more difficult to live in a world riddled with lactose, gluten and A1 casein. As we are busy making new products and chemicals it will be taking the toll on certain genetic types. Resistance to radioactivity (if there is such a thing) could be a good trait to have!
  9. So it doesn't sound very serious really.
  10. Yes it was too confusing to see how to straighten it out. I thought I'd give you time to change it.
  11. Could there ever be an advantage to have polydactyly?
  12. Well the word "circular" was used but there maybe a better word, but at least I gave you my impression of the statement. It was more like one of those fractal patterns where you can delve in further and further, rather than going around circles, and I'd agree that is a bit different than circular.
  13. The way I understood it was that if you went to the extremities of every line of thought and looked closely enough you'd only see dots. Every word would need defining and within that definition every word would also need defining, ad infinitum.
  14. If the twin was at same relative speed and again at the same location they both would be there at 4 o'clock and 5 o'clock. That would be like the situation in the first few hours after the traveling twins return. They would be having a party, and they would both be there.
  15. A lot of effort has gone into IT over the last 50 years now could be the era of synthetic biology. A potentially rewarding and exciting career path for young people.
  16. Was that a song about crossdressing?
  17. A cone is series of increasingly larger circles, increasing with time, but is just because you are considering a 2 dimensional situation. In space around us light reflects off us all around, so once that light strikes a substantial object, you won't be looking for your image in that direction any more. (Like an eclipse, you can't see the Sun for a moment when the Moon is in the way.) Time can't be made to run backwards (even though there are religious thoughts that counter/challenge that, "the old will grow young" or the "dry bones will get flesh on them again" but even then it is still some time/event in the future , not an event that happens in the past. You can be cloned but that is not turning the clock back. I've been studying the Twin paradox and reject and/or I don't understand your idea that it shows the past is gone. Why did you say that? Both twins are still growing older.
  18. I have been reading some of the posts about "What is Time" but this idea that the past is till there next to us seems wrong to me. I could accept the image of the past is sort of next to us, but that it is spreading out at the speed of light in a sphere from any point.
  19. You guys are quite staunch in your views.
  20. Well when I quoted the article I didn't think it referred to genetic engineering. I thought it was more like non living biochemical reactions.
  21. If It is God's will that there be Global warming should we even try and prevent it? It seems you would agree that God permits either making it worse or making it better. So Jesus, the man, may want to change the weather (climate on a larger scale) whenever he needed to.
  22. So we can blame Global Warming on God rather than man!
  23. Haven't you ever wished to control the weather? Make the rain stop. Stop the wind.
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