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Everything posted by Robittybob1

  1. Can you translate that for me please?
  2. My middle name is "George".
  3. So it more like a "Dragon fly"? https://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CAcQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fdoowansnewsandevents.wordpress.com%2F2013%2F07%2F30%2Fdragonfly-medicine%2F&ei=2hZDVPXQJcL4mAWD_IL4CQ&bvm=bv.77648437,d.dGY&psig=AFQjCNFCr3As1a1Fdc3RQ8FgLC61aKFxKA&ust=1413769248412504
  4. Jesus' twin brother wrote the gospel of St. John. You know how closely connected twins are.
  5. Are you confessing that you were lying? You needn't have done that, you could have got another witness, and some photos. A "friend" had a pet iguana so it is not impossible to have a pet dragon.
  6. At this stage I think you are lying about having a pet dragon, so AFAIAC you have not answered my question adequately yet. I want absolute proof you have a pet dragon, and your word is just not good enough. You expect Jesus to have multiple attestations so we'd expect the same from you. I haven't heard about the Mormon's billions of other gods, even though Jesus was quoted as saying "you are gods" so maybe we all are gods, so even in Christianity there is the possibility of billions of gods. Who knows whether Jesus and Satan are brothers?
  7. So you would not have much trouble "slaying the dragon", if you ever wanted to do this to your pet dragon. What species of reptile is it? You have made some good points especially about the Scientology, Mormon and Muslim religions and you seem to be asking "how come Christianity is not the same?". Was it that the founders of these other religions stayed alive long enough to motivate a following? Does Scientology work for their converts? I know the Muslims are doing well in their Caliphate. They must feel there is some protection being within their groups. Mormons seem to be a branch of Christians, so they are basically Christians are they not? I don't know enough about Scientology to comment, but I did read the Koran and I wasn't impressed.
  8. I will answer you but you answer me first please.
  9. Have you had first hand experience of a dragon?
  10. Eise: I had already got that but I had not addressed it as I was very tired at the time of my previous post. OK you have noted a change in the gospels depending on the time they were written, and that is understandable. For the majority of the Jesus of Nazareth followers the moment he was arrested the game was over, they fled and started looking for another messiah. Once Jesus was crucified even more of them knew that Jesus of Nazareth was a totally lost cause. So why did Mark even bother to write a gospel? He knew the leader was dead but even in his earliest version the tomb 3 days later was empty, he admits to some extend something strange was going on. So if he was a follower of Christ Jesus, he was following someone who was now a spirit ruling from the Heavenlies, even if he thought the apocalypse was going to be in his lifetime that was his imagination, his expectation. There are more apocalyptic preachers running around even among scientists now, in this day and age, overpopulation, climate change, nuclear MAD destruction, ISIS terrorism and on and on. Maybe a modern Gospel would have to include all of them as part of the apocalypse. Could the writers of the gospels have predicted all the events that has occurred and will occur in the 2-3,000 years post Jesus? Is the same Christ still in charge that said "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me" and, "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age"? (Matthew 28:18 and 20) Is Christ Jesus in control of all this "overpopulation, climate change, nuclear MAD destruction, ISIS terrorism and on and on"?
  11. You need to come up with real facts in your assertions please. Has someone been able to support you?
  12. OK I accept that it appears that Jesus had an expectation and that expectation turned out wrong. I don't take the view that everything that Jesus said is gospel. He is a man subject to the thoughts and cultures of the time. He made mistakes like we all do. He isn't judged on mistakes. Yet we seem to expect him not to make any errors, but that is not the case. OK so he made a mistake. I think there are other obvious mistakes he seems to make as well. He doesn't know everything, like does he believe in Noah's Ark, does he know about evolution? He walks up to a tree thinking it should have fruit on it out of season. He thinks birds of the air get some sort of special attention, I'm sure that is naive.
  13. I had put all the references as footnotes to my post: Matthew 6:19-20 There certainly could be a dichotomy between what Jesus thought his role was going to be and what the populace had hoped for one that had some degree of royal lineage. Each and every one of the disciples might have their own expectations. Some would have been looking for someone to restore the kingship to the House of David. Others would be looking to overflow the Romans. What did Jesus expect? What did he feel God wanted? Did Jesus want what God wanted, did the populace want either of these? What were Jesus' apocryphal predictions that you think weren't satisfied? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dates_predicted_for_apocalyptic_events
  14. Have you seen a Bigfoot or a UFO or even a ghost? My friend and I saw a UFO in 1975, but we don't have Bigfoot in NZ. I haven't seen or experienced a ghost either, yet I was challenged to stay in this haunted hotel but I chickened out. I'm not so sure everyone believes a God vision either. They know that the mind is powerful and pretty weird, so maybe visions and dreams are sort of everyday things. Plenty of people believe that I had a vision but no one has really believed the vision about Mary having twins etc. Do you realise I was able to read this from a book, and there were pages and pages of other writing in that book. I wanted to go back there and read the rest of it, but so far that hasn't happened.
  15. What would you do if the proof required you to do something other than just reading about it? Imagine if they said: "You can see the " Bigfoot, aliens, Lochness monster" for yourself, you just need to go there". That is what I discovered about Jesus too, you won't get the picture till you take a step to go there. It is like a madness or even a childlike game in a way, but then it becomes real. But I would say you are one hell of lot more likely to find evidence for Jesus than the others IMO. What would you do? Would you go to that "Sacred Mountain"? (See below) For you want to know Peter and this is what he has said in 2 Peter 1:16-17. (I have always liked this verse for he is denying that they followed cleverly devised stories, as you guys seem to always imply today.) http://biblehub.com/niv/2_peter/1.htm
  16. @ Ten Oz - How do you define a counter narrative? Example please.
  17. But that wasn't what Jesus was depending on. Jesus to me believed in Heaven, for example, he said at his trial something like "My kingdom is not of this Earth" and he told his followers "not to store up riches here on Earth where they can get stolen but in Heaven". Now don't you think Jesus would have said the same about his words and his deeds? I could imagine this conversation "Don't bother writing my deeds down in books where they are subject to fire and rot and worms. Where scribes will change the text to the point that in 2000 years no one will believe them anyway." So what was Jesus depending on? In my study I found that Jesus was relying on the whole project going to plan. Not like the astronauts planning to go to Mars and then be lucky to survive little more than 60 days. No, he seems to be implying there is something more permanent being hoped for in his mission. I can't say he was overly confident it would work, but that was his hope in any case. His last thoughts were particularly negative, hanging on the cross with nails in his hands, "My God My God why have you forsaken me? That doesn't sound like a confident player to me. Luck seemed to be against him at that moment. Were his plans evaporating? Was his mission even going to get off the ground? Matthew 6:19-20 http://biblehub.com/matthew/6-19.htm http://www.news.com.au/technology/science/humans-on-mars-one-mission-would-start-dying-in-68-days-study/story-fnjwlcze-1227093316270 http://biblehub.com/mark/15-34.htm https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+18%3A36&version=KJV
  18. It looks like an alien language to me.
  19. I do understand the correct translation about the census was that it was the first census before Quirinius was governor of Syria. http://www.biblearchaeology.org/post/2009/11/01/once-more-quiriniuss-census.aspx In my history, Jesus is born in Bethlehem and then the family (minus "the other" baby John) flee to Egypt, and they return to Jerusalem after Herod's death, Jesus is 12 years old by this stage, but Joseph decided to live in Nazareth rather than stay in Jerusalem or Bethlehem because they didn't trust Archelaus either.
  20. So you are a full blood mythicist. I think of the story as a type of recipe book, and you could read the recipe and it will tell you how wonderful the cake will be. But to taste the recipe it will cost you (possibly everything). Now others will tell you don't have to pay anything. I don't think anyone can convince anyone unless someone returns with the "power" of Jesus. I have looked at televised evangelists, years ago, like Benny Hinn with his "healings", but I am less than convinced. Do you know of anyone who seems to be getting the results? With the modern technology we should be able to prove it one way one or the other. I met a guy from Indonesia who once had a powerful ministry and his name was Mel Tari. and I visited LA and met Richard Shakarian (son of Demos Shakarian). Both Mel and Demos had wonderful testimonies (in the past tense) but I don't think I saw what I was looking for. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demos_Shakarian http://heartaftergodministries.net/mel-tari/ Mel Tari seems to be called fraud lately but years ago??
  21. "unification of science and religion" Best of luck, but I don't like your chances.
  22. Lance just agree the idea has no chance.
  23. I'm still looking for the resurrected Jesus, not just a "charismatic apocalyptic preacher". It is his art of healing that really fascinates me. A Jesus incapable of doing the miracles would be just another "charismatic apocalyptic preacher"and they were a dime a dozen in those days.
  24. I wouldn't want the job of doing that research. One slip up and you'd be the next bit of experimental material.
  25. If the life of the Earth is dependant on nucleotides for its "food" it has a half-life and ultimately there will be insufficient heat to keep it alive. Therefore it will eventually die.
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