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Everything posted by Robittybob1
No at the passover it being at full moon you only get lunar eclipses. Solar eclipse are when the New Moon gets between the Earth and the Sun. I forget the exact reason I thought there needed to be an eclipse but this passage gives a clue to further references: http://holtz.org/Library/Social%20Science/History/Metals%20Age/Dating%20Jesus%20Death%20by%20Lunar%20Eclipse.htm So what does the "Report of Pilate" say? Doesn't seem that helpful.
It is found throughout the internet if I Google "lunar eclipses jerusalem 31 AD" you'd find hundreds of results. I just chose the first one here http://navsoft.com/html/___death_of_jesus.html OK as a result of my study I had to adjust the day of Jesus' crucifixion to a Thursday but that still works out fine. Wikipedia gives that eclipse a number 04900 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_1st-century_lunar_eclipses
@Ten oz - thank you for your detailed reply, I just wish I had the time to reply right now but I don't. I might reply to another part later in the heat of the day. As I stated earlier I did a lot of study on the topic. I feel reluctant to detail my findings, for it surely gets me into trouble, but over the years and on various forums it has been said, OK they too got sanitized and the threads were not only closed but removed, so I can't refer to them again, but basically I looked at the information in the Gospels and ran an experiment on myself to see if they worked. My family thought I had gone nuts, but I was only hospitalized for one afternoon (and no meds were ever taken). I don't suggest everyone try it. Could the Gospels be written with another message underneath the obvious text? One that the Jesus Seminar missed. I wanted to know.
Use a system that is powered by the daily heating during the day and cooling during the night. So you have some gas filled container that expands during the day but at night the gas cools, negative pressure develops and draws liquid up into it. I haven't got the entire cycle worked out but I can sort of feel there is a possibility. Let me know if you get it going?
In that last quote you finish by saying "The question is: Has the rotation now reached a constant average rate? : Source Professor Strahler Columbia University "The Earth Sciences", And that is a very tricky question, for in one of the many hypotheses I have developed was the one where the rotation of a planet is affected by the Sun and the gas in its atmosphere. This was argued for several months but it was strongly disputed but I think it is still true, and I was reminded about it in this thread when I looked at the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, where they say that is powered by the strong westerly winds but don't explain what powers the winds to be always in the super-rotational direction. So I can see it is possible to get to the stage where the acceleration from the Sun's energy balances the deceleration from the transfer of momentum to the Moon. But I don't think that has happened on the Earth as we don't have a lot of atmosphere left. Extracting energy out of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current could be a real possibility, except its locality, thousands of miles from nowhere.
It is "wrong" to say the water rotates with the Earth. In some way the Moon pulling on the tidal bulge makes the water on the Earth spin some fraction slower than the Earth does. So that means as the Earth spins towards the east the bulge is being pulled toward the West so the net flow of water around the Earth should if my reasoning is right be a net current to the West (that is from the East to the West). Unfortunately this dragging could be offset by the net superrotation of the air currents. (The air currents on earth are very complex but I do believe there is a slight net westerly superrotation (That is from the West to the East.) There the wind effect is greater than the tidal pull which should be in the opposite direction. In all the other oceans the land masses form a barrier to any overall rotation of the water. Big circulations are set up in each oceans, with the movements predominantly from the East to the West in the equatorial regions.
When I said it wakes you up I wasn't asleep either but just about to sleep.
I appreciate your challenge to my ideas, and I want to understand what you mean about the energy already transferred to the water. Can you explain that? There are several reasons that validate the slowing of the Earth. Do you understand tidal acceleration? What creates the bulge to be ahead of the centerline between the Moon Earth? I believe slowing the movement of the waters will intensify this bulge this will mean the moon is pulled stronger. It will accelerate the Moon but the Earth, to conserve momentum, will be slowed. If you don't believe me find out how much the Moon recesses today and multiply that by the age of the Moon. You will find the weird fact that the Moon should have moved away further than it has today. Why did the Moon not recess as fast in the past when the tides presumably were so much more intense, since the Moon was so much closer? It is a big and unsolved problem IMO.
Yes you would end up slowing the rotation of the Earth, day lengths would get longer and the tidal acceleration the Moon would get stronger, hence the Moon would move away faster and then the magnetic field of the Earth would ultimately fail and extinction would be end the result. This would be over a very long period and many other resources may be limiting restraints so that none of this ever happens. Good idea though!
I get what is like a bullet going through my head and I looked it up the next day and I found a syndrome called "exploding head syndrome" I am always nearly asleep, and there is some undefined sensation prior to it, but no sounds as in your case, then this single event, the suddenness of the explosion is like a single "bang". It wakes you up obviously but there are no ill effects after that. I have had it 3 times in the last year or so.
This is obviously a mystery. I wonder what it means. It was mentioned again AFAIK. I'll edit or add on when I have looked into it again. It certainly seems a one off and I have no experiences that helps me relate to it.
Not a good idea for when you need the jacket it may have run out of reactants.
I'd like the vampire to choose you.
That is a bad attitude to take, when it comes to life and death situations. Any normal vampire aspires to live on.
You are standing on deck and a wave splashes water on you. Do you want your life jacket to inflate?
Do you mean the eclipse the night before Jesus' arrest. Yes if you time the Passover to the year 31 AD as I did after my years of study. Astronomers know there was a lunar eclipse that year as they are on a very regular pattern.
Are you sure a vampire won't succumb to the Ebola virus? Even if you think you are immortal you don't want to take unnecessary risks do you?
You can never say "can't" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQ0JlRPjPFQ
The photo is in black and white so that is further evidence it could have come from the imager. How wide is 1024 pixels?
Are you asking who would be your choice of next human victim. Well you wouldn't want to choose someone with Ebola for it hasn't been tested and proven safe for Vampires yet!
That is your opinion, it isn't really any analysis of likely events. Looking at the Wikipedia page again it says: So imagine you are living where you are and "darkness fell over the land', you would not be certain it fell over the entire world would you? But if from one horizon to the next it was darkness you might think this is some global event but it would be a trick of one's imagination. We commonly get earthquakes and you do wonder who got the epicenter. You don't think of them just being localized to your own area. A symbolic darkness would hardly be limited to a time frame would it? I'm going to look into high altitude dust storms. Is there such a thing? Edit: Here is an article describing a global dust storm. http://phys.org/news167315325.html Massive dust storm in China circled the world in 13 days: study
It seems too simple. Why would anyone get interested unless this invention has some practical purpose.
Years ago I learned about panspermia and I was fascinated by the idea. Life might not have started on Earth, but was brought to Earth. After much further study I came to the view that if life didn't start on Earth it had to at least start in our Solar System but where? It dawned on me that a possible place for life to start was on the planet Mercury during the late Proto-sun period. NASA has said it is going to plan a mission to check out the frozen water filled craters on the Mercurian poles. I have a hunch they will discover masses of organic material there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auT6xF3wSys NASA Announces Water Ice and Organics on MercuryNow everyone will say it is too hot for life on Mercury, and it definitely is today but way back then before the Sun was thermonuclear? Well that is my best guess, and I'll leave it to NASA to prove it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panspermia
Are you still doubting that the ring on the imager contacted the Martian soil before a photo of the area was taken? Even if someone worked out the size of the screw, how will that change the logic of the situation? If I thought it would maybe I would spend time looking for that information. For I'd be really intrigued to find other aliens had visited Mars before Man did. What are the chances that the pattern on the ground from an alien visitation exactly matches part of the machinery taking the photo? Absolutely nil IMO.