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Everything posted by Robittybob1

  1. ... Everyone has a different understanding of what they believe too.
  2. So are you implying the angle of incidence is not precisely equal to the angle of reflection? Would you say the curve is in the anticlockwise direction? [The curve is visible upon repeated reflections all tending to one side.]
  3. Lost me there, sorry.
  4. You'd think the shiny sides of the razor edge would reflect light back to you but it doesn't A stack of new razor blades has one of the blackest surface imaginable yet it is made from surfaces that on their own that act like a mirror. What is the maximum opening that you could have at the front edge of two mirrors touching at their far edge so that all light entering is absorbed by the multiple refractions and reflections?
  5. In your dream were the mirrors really parallel or were they meeting at one end? You end up using a mirror (shiny surface) to become a blackbody if you do. Have you ever seen the black body effect of a stack of razor blades? http://www.mazepath.com/uncleal/blade.htm Maybe you've stumbled on to the way to take the effect into a much larger scale, e.g you could end up with acres of mirrored glass being the most efficient black body absorber of solar radiation, generating heat and thence electricity via a steam turbine. Also look at http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19630000002.pdf
  6. If that was the case wouldn't we see it on the video? The ends of the mirrors would be radiating light then wouldn't they? You are shining the laser in one direction and and the curve is another space dimension. Is the curve always to the same side? Is that like the right hand rule or something. Why would the curve have anything to do with the speed of light? In the video at 5:42 seconds I can clearly see 10 spots of light which are the result of the reflections, and they definitely seem to fade with distance, can you show us what the light spots of the last 14 reflections are like? OK you had a dream and then you try and turn the dream into a reality, but how are you going to get anything out of it? So far it seems a concentrated beam of a laser is lost, how is that going to help you?
  7. Well what do you suspect is the reason there are limited number of reflections and that they stop some way along the mirror?
  8. What about the concept of only ever telling the truth?
  9. Could the frequency of the light have dropped below visible spectrum? Is a reflection always the same frequency? If there was a frequency drop this might explain why there only needs to be a set number of reflections to drop the photon frequency below the visible range?
  10. When you look back down between the mirrors you can see the reflection spots so you can't really say "no photons are ejected". Could it be that the laser beam loses its intensity and becomes just scattered after these 49 reflections so there simply becomes insufficient light to carry on?
  11. Thanks -so what particular event are you thinking happens at the event horizon? So why do you think it slows down? Is it because the repeated reflection stops? Could that just be destructive interference from the two sets of reflections?
  12. On the 49th reflection you show us it has split into two parts, (and then talk about black holes, which really sounds like a terrible exaggeration), but the two parts could simply be the difference parts that were reflecting from the top of the glass and that which has reflected from the mirror silver surfaces.Have you tried a real shiny surface rather than mirror glass? 25 from the top and 24 from the bottom so shouldn't the last one (reflection) be on the top? You are right that the clock hands line up at 12 o'clock but they don't exactly line up at 6:30. In fact the minute hand will line up with the hour and approximately every hour, but exactly 11 times over a twelve hour period.
  13. How can you be sure the curve is not just an artifact of a curved glass mirror. Your apparatus looks interesting but relatively crude. How can you prove to us that your mirrors are perfectly flat and parallel?
  14. Like in the center of a collapsing nebula the pressure builds due to gravity drawing the dust and molecules together, the material heats up the gas pressure counteracts the collapse due to gravity but the gravity overcomes the temperature rise so gravity ultimately dominates.
  15. The more I read this thread the more I realize I don't understand how Dark Matter operates.
  16. But if breeders of Great Danes started selecting ones that were chihuahua like and Chihuahua breeders started selecting for larger features could they unify the two "dog species" again? It might take another 1000 years but it would happen.
  17. It is possible he was talking about stronger gravity at the surface of the object. Like earth has g= 9.8 m/sec^2 now but if the Earth compressed to a BH the surface gravity would be billions of billions times greater.
  18. Could? Mass-energy CAUSES the curvature of spacetime. Time dilation IS the EVIDENCE there is curvature of spacetime. Gravity is the RESULT of the curvature of spacetime. I'm trying to see if the concept that gravity could be the tendency of mass-energy to the maximum time dilation is viable. (In other words instead of saying "maximum" try saying mass-energy has a resistance of going through time.)
  19. You need a year or two to get to your head around the problems, no just one night, unless you are a savant.
  20. Who said there is no better explanation? An explanation that involves time dilation is what I'm trying to develop.
  21. That's the "theory" - the Schwarzschild radius.
  22. Well you won't get there by adding energy, matter fluffs up when energy is added. Gravitational collapse will be associated with heat and that heat will needed to radiate away and then when it cools the pressure will increase more atom nuclei will fuse more heat will be released and on it goes for billions of years till a BH happens. There are some fusions that need added energy, so you might have a type of energy consuming reaction that by passes cooling. I'll have to refresh that point.
  23. Isn't it take out a hell of a lot of energy?
  24. Were they the same apples or different apples?
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