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Everything posted by calbiterol

  1. The one before with the javascript character shift I did with a dirty trick. Any hints?
  2. say what? what's the question, like the entire thing?
  3. Is it encoded English? And does it have a context?
  4. The key to that level is that you don't need flash to get to the next level. What does that tell you?
  5. Moosie, I'm on the same level, and I was wondering if there was a way to see the actual PHP code and not it's output, in other words, the page before the PHP script runs. That would tell you the answer.
  6. Hmm, good question. I'll put it this way, I can earn quite a bit if I put my mind to it. Probably a thousand US or so if I put my mind to it, and I improvise parts a lot (but it (usually) works just the same) with engineering stuff. I do wish I had more. To be honest, I'm up for any ideas, regardless of cost, and if I really want to do it, I'll work out the money some way or another.
  7. As summer break approaches (I have less than one day or school left, yeehaw!), the long-awaited season of freetime and vacation, I am greeted by a wealth of possibilities for things to do. Now, I know there are a million of those "what experiments can I do" threads, but all of them seem to be a little... bleak. There is also a sticky right above this post with some "quick and easy experiments," but it is rarely looked at, and even more rarely contributed to. In addition, it would be nice to have some more advanced projects/experiments out there for those of us who are left hungry for more than "quick and easy." Don't get me wrong, quick and easy is great, but I think that it would be nice to have some more advanced projects as well. So, at the rist of sounding redundant... Anybody got some projects that are more advanced than "quick and easy?" Don't worry about materials acquisition, just post ideas, and if someone wants to do it, I'm sure that person will find a way to get the materials needed. I don't know what others would like for experiments, but I would personally enjoy anything involving engineering, particularly aeronautical/aerospace, and electronic projects are greatly enjoyable, as well as physics and chemistry applications. More specifically, railguns, coilguns, Van de Graff generators, tesla coils, homemade batteries, liquid nitrogen, magnetic levitation, planes, hovercraft, gauss rifles, generators, engines, electrolysis, manufacturing of aluminum parts, etc, in addition to anything explosive (in accordance with SFN rules, of course, wouldn't want anyone banned for this) and just... general... stuff. So, post away!
  8. Well, first off, it's much easier to levitate a magnet - 'cause it requires less force; it's probably the lighter of the two - and because the magnet will induce a current in the superconductor, creating a field, levitating the magnet. I believe this is called the Meissner Effect. Got to Wikipedia's superconductor page for more information. Now, second off, how on God's green earth are you cooling the superconductor? Do you realize that the superconductors with the highest critical temperature only become superconductors at about 130 K? And they are made of special compounds designed for the specific purpose of superconducting, and as such are very, very, very expensive. For cheaper materials much, much lower temperatures are required, like lead, for example, don't superconduct until 7.2 K, and they require even lower temperatures for things such as levitation. Note that lead is a type-1 superconductor, though, and so a field can destroy it's superconductivity faster than a type-2. Do you have access to liquid nitrogen and these crazy compounds, like carbon nanotubes or Yttrium barium copper oxide? If so, where are you getting these, and why aren't you sharing the wealth?
  9. It's not exactly quick, or that incredibly easy, but making hovercrafts is a hobby of mine. If you want to make a really simplified one, grab a balloon, an old, unwanted CD (card that's NOT corrugated works better, and foam works best. Find something very thin and very light), and a thimble/empty thread spool/top to a plasic bottle (anything that the inflated balloon will stay attached to is fine), as well as some superglue or hot glue and (maybe) some scissors. Affix the empty thread spool to the center of the CD with the glue (CD's are nice here because you don't have to find the center), and put the balloonon top of the empty thread spool. It would be a good idea to rubber-band it on too, just to be sure it won't come off. Now, if you didn't use a CD for your base, you need to make a hole that goes all the way into the balloon (NOT through the balloon, you want to be able to inflate/deflate the balloon through the hole). Now inflate the balloon through the hole. Pinch the balloon so no air comes out. Place the whole thing on a smooth, flat surface, and un-pinch. Tada! Here are some links that describe it far better than I: Site 1 Site 2 Site 3
  10. Well, I have to say, after watching the entire hour on the link that Kyle gave, the demo Will Wright gave explains the rise of intelligence. I am by no means a good person to tell you about it (if you want the best people, watch the vid), but basically when your species become intelligent, they become a tribe, and your focus moves to the tribe, in a kind of socialogical way, and you build vehicles and stuff, and eventually spaceships (all of which you can edit just like your creatures in the beginning) and you can run around colonizing other planets, transporting/abducting other wildlife, etc. It looks really, really intriguing at that level, if you ask me. I have to say though, Will Wright has a... differend... sense of humor. I liked it. :-D
  11. I think the game looks quite interesting. I wonder how he'll work with intelligence? How do you guys think he'll implement that rung of the evolutionary ladder? I saw mention of an interstellar race, but how would that be "engineered" [read: created] by the player?
  12. Although it probably only would have such sections if it were about the designing and building of a generator, and that would be put into engineering, wouldn't it... Wow, that sounded oddly familiar...
  13. That's nothing compared to when you piss off phosphorus! Wow, I must admit, that was pretty bad.
  14. More importantly, why is it in the modern/theoretical physics forum? There's already a thread on refilling aerosols. Search for it, it's by YT.
  15. gotten them before, but I refresh and all is well. However, it seems that I can no longer access the arcade (not a 404, a message with a SFN appearance says I can't go there, with my screename an' everything.)
  16. Wow this is really quite incredible... Sulfuric and hydrochloric acids are actually pretty household-common, by the way.
  17. Thanks Tom, that post was exactly what I needed to know. One thing, though: I knew that, but I guess it would have been more appropriate for me to say, "how do I ensure beforehand that it will only take the one path." So in reality, there's no way to know? Out of curiosity, how do neon lights work with different colors? ... Wait, different gasses. Duh. But how do they emit only one color of light?
  18. (Emphasis added) How do you know that? Is it always only one level at a time (I'm talking other elements now, Neon in particular) or is there some rule or something? Sorry if this sounds like a really stupid question, but I'm trying to understand something that I have basically no teaching in ('cept for this ) and I need to know nitpicky details... Also, can an atom absorb photons that are at any of the harmonics (harmonics being the energies an electron jumps to, right?) IE, the ~12.75 eV to get to E4, OR the ~12 eV to get to E3, etc (in the H atom) could all be absorbed (at different times) to excite the electrons? And is this universal between all elements, or is there some rule/chart of acceptable jumps for this too?
  19. I take that back, I need it to be transparent to both, I believe... Oh, and gold leaf is only like $2 for 4" x 4" squares.
  20. Well... A huge part of the issue is that it needs to be IR/UV transparent/translucent. At the moment, I think I only need it to be UV transparent, but I'm not sure. Anyways, any thoughts on UV translucent but visible reflective materials? Fluoridated quartz perhaps, if there is such a thing? (Fluoridated glass is used in lenses, I believe...)
  21. I know this isn't exactly the place to ask (after all, this isn't in physics), but you wouldn't happen to know if chrome is IR and/or UV transparent/translucent, would you?
  22. Gr, I don't want to triple post but I can't edit any more! Does anyone know if gold leaf is transparent/translucent to IR and/or UV spectrum light?
  23. Hey, anyone happen to have any MP3's (or other audio clips) of MARVIN THE MANICALLY DEPRESSED ANDROID? I'd love to be able to hear his voice on command, I think it's hilarious!
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