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Everything posted by calbiterol

  1. What exactly is "portage?" "rpms?" Also, I was under the impression (from a Popular Science Article) that there are programs that will allow oneslelf to run Windows programs on a Linux PC. Is this true?
  2. What's the best way to make the skirt inflate into a certain kind of shape? Also, if I put a cardboard piece at the bottom of the skirt to flatten it out, will that help or hurt the performance of it?
  3. The hovercraft is a little big for that, isn't it? Or do you mean car tire tubes? If yeah... Where would I get a hold of one of those?! Keep in mind, I've spent a net of like $5 on this project and built the rest from various scrap lying around the house (yes, I had a spare vaccum).
  4. Yep. Pretty much. As far as I'm aware, there is no way to treat it (except morphene, and that has nothing to do with the disease... Comfort is what it's about at that point), and there isn't a cure. (If there is, where have I been?? but I'm 99.9999999% sure there isn't one) It's possible that the governments engineering these apocalyptic WMD's have some sort of prevention from infection for that government's own citizents, but one never knows.
  5. DOH! Nevermind, his formulas are quite correct...
  6. Terrorists? I'd be just as worried about other governments. Plus, how do you know this isn't a slip-up of a weaponized version being tested, or something like that? Or it's some technological superpower rearing its big ugly head and testing chemical weapons, or it's Kylonicus. Who knows?
  7. Here's my hovercraft so far: I don't know what I'm doing for a skirt (yet) but I have the material I'm using. It's some (vinyl? I don't know, but I'm almost positive it's vinyl) shower curtain that's a really heavy guage. I don't quite have the motor mount finished yet, but that's what it'll look like when it's done, sans skirt. And I'm not sure exactly how much the PVC pipe goes into the platform / baseboard, because I haven't really measured it. [EDIT: Oh and my motor mount will be much more rounded and curvy and cool-looking, but seeing as that takes forever to draw on a computer and it still isn't done, I just left it all rectangular.]
  8. I am almost positive that there's an error(s) in his calculations/formulas. Read his source code. He converts pounds / square feet into pounds / square inches by dividing by 144.
  9. pm me the address, redalert, and I'll help you out. Don't worry about spoiling it for me, I'm on 9. And I'll only give you hints, so don't expect the answer (if you're like me, you don't want it). I'll give hints in here, so everyone who needs help can see it - I just need the link to the page to remember which one it is. I think i know what you mean, but I'm not sure.
  10. I had it on a tile floor. It's the flattest thing I have available. I'll put up a diagram sometime this weekend. It's not gonna be accurate when it comes to the motor mount, as that's not... done. Ski power, what's a thermocole?
  11. *Mindlessly hums/sings "so long, and thanks for all the fish..."* Sorry, couldn't resist. Don't forget your towel! But, seeing as we are sposed to be on topic now, why take over a small country when you could just make your own? *Evil laugh* I'm sure some refugees would be more than happy to join you in exchange for some quality of living. Problem is, where's your base? (Evil) Geniuses of the world, UNITE!
  12. YT, you wouldn't happen to know any (inexpensive or library-available) texts available to contribute to basic aerodynamics knowledge, would you?
  13. Quick question for those of you who have: how well does it hover? I ask this because I have built/am building/like to modify/frequently revise my own design for a hovercraft. The last time I tested it after a series of modifications, it was producing enough upward force to allow me to push it, and it'd travel a foot or so . Keep in mind it weighed... Well it had a built-in vaccum cleaner motor so it weighed a chunk, but I wasn't on it or anything... So, in short, can I expect better performance than this? I saw on one site that a single push got his going across the entire room, and, well, that wouldn't happen with this one... The mod I'm working on right now is a custom-molded plastic motor mount (I'm using resin and a hand-made mold) and some changes on the positioning of things. Any suggestions?
  14. Can someone explain to me the way photon absorbtion rules work? Also, I am under the impression that (at least hydrogen) can only de-excite one energy level at a time. Is this correct? Can anybody give me a link with some not-too-technical expalantion of this? I tried google, but didn't get very good responses from the search engine. Thanks. Calbit
  15. Hehe, just thought of a dirty way to get the output of the function in number 8! Open a new window with the code! There goes number 8!
  16. Nah, that one was just a matter of (spoilers) finding the swf . The one I was having problems on was the one with the two javascripts. I knew exactly what was happening, I saw it from the first, I just couldn't get a hold of the stupid second javascript.The one where it tricks people intothinking the password is somemthing it isn't. Hopefully that won't come up when people don't wanna see it. Now I'm on 8 (apprentice) and I know what's goin on, but not where to find the next level. I'll give it another 5 minutes and go back to my homework.
  17. Macro, it works with IE. I can't remember which one is 6, but the text gives clues, too. Try what's linked. If it's the CSS one, do a google search on relative linking to CSS. Can anyone help me on level 4 (or is it 3.5? lol) on apprentice? I checked... Everything... Only hints (of course)
  18. A hovercraft might be cool. Or a plane, but that's a little (lot) more complicated. A gauss rifle, a coil gun, or a railgun might also be fun, but they all require some serious work (and caution).
  19. Hey i beat hook it was really easy, but I can't find the wargame-dialog, might that be cause i'm using IE?
  20. Now that I have your attention... Out of utter curiosity, how many people here have built a hovercraft from scratch? P.S. Couldn't think of a thread title. If any mods want to, uh, rename it with something more... intelligent, feel free.
  21. It's a little late for this but, get some sleep. Lol. I just took the AP European History test. Wow, essay tests are annoying!
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