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  1. Thanks so much. I will mention this to my doctor. Very best to you. Bye Alan
  2. Thanks everyone. Phi, your comment about "an urgent need to change positions", is about right, there is a feeling of "Relief" once I have turned. It's not involuntary, nor a twitch. I am aware of it. I hope I am being consistent. Best Alan
  3. Good morning all While having a cataract removal consultation, I pointed out to the surgeon that I cannot lie still and she agreed to a general. She asked for details and I told her that I have a regular uncontrollable desire to turnover in bed, so much so that it ruins my sleep. I might have to turnover and then back again within a minute. She said that I may have a neurological condition that can be dealt with. I did not want to spend her time on something that is not quite her "Realm" Would you be kind enough to give me just a lttle information so that I know how to communicate properly with my GP? Thank you.
  4. No Joigus, I didn't chip any of it off as I am a novice and would not know what to do. You have all started me off here, so I have a lot of reading to do around this. Thanks, keep well. Alan
  5. Thank you Studiot, I will remember that next time. Keep well Alan Silly of me, what are the brown veins please? And the "basic" grey? The length of this one is about 90 mm. Alan
  6. Hello All I found this in a London garden I don't know if it came from here or not, Grey with white/beige and brown. What are the elements/compounds here please? Regards
  7. Good morning Strange, thanks for replying. I mentioned face powder in my "list" because I imagined the stuff being continually rubbed in over the years would be absorbed into the skin and wondered what the body would do with it. Regards Alan
  8. Hello all, what does the body do with ingested substances that are not supposed to be there, eg soap, chlorine from swimming pools, lipstick and face powder and all other such foreign stuff? Regards
  9. Remember me everyone, I am the one that started this thread and I seem to have started a forum punch up in the process. You are quite right Jim, original question was regarding a simple circuit using a battery and some resistors, it seems to have gone off in all directions, making me smile this is. Thank you for the circuit diagram, I am not a scientist, my education if that is what you call it was a short electronics course then books. I have put this circuit together before but I do not think it demonstrates how say the same voltage input can give high or lower amps. Has anyone got one? By the way from a non scientist, I think Ohms law matters in this question, I am prepared to stand corrected. Are you all having a good Easter? Carry on bickering. Was it you Studiot who said that I should get hold of a bunch of cheap (on/off) switches and some old fashioned filament light bulbs? I thought that filament light bulbs changed their resistance (impedance?) according to the voltage that was put through them, in which case would it be useful in my question? Now it is ME who is changing the subject. Best Alan
  10. How are we doing? Wowee you have both given me a lot to research into. I shall be reading around this all over the weekend. Have a lovely Easter both of you.
  11. Good morning. I am trying to understand this so could a kind someone show me a simple circuit where I could use say a 1.5 and a 9 volt battery to explain the principle of high and low voltage against big and little amps. Not to tecky please, I have a multimeter, some leds, resistors and a few other bits and pieces. Regards
  12. Thank you all, Studiot, so nice of you to remember me. Your posts were a good read and encouraging to research more. A belated Happy New Year to you all.
  13. Hello I hope this is the right forum, apologies if not. Just a novice and reading about safety, circuits, short circuit, current etc and The Earth is often mentioned. What has the Earth got to do with it? Hope to hear from you.
  14. Thanks everyone, additives are worrying me a bit now, water upside down seems good. Merry Christmas to all. Best Alan
  15. Hello all Probably the wrong type of thread, sorry did not know where to put it. I wanted to know if I could clean my remotes safely with Nail polish remover and whether it conducted electricity or not. Being a bit sad, I connected a battery and bulb with a small amount of nail polish remover in the circuit, yet it would not conduct electricity. Does this mean that if some got into the remote, it could ruin it? It is Ethyl Acetate, although it says that Aqua is in it as well. Alan
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