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Everything posted by ohdearme

  1. Thank you so much everybody, the pics are a bonus too. Best Alan
  2. Hello, I love the friendly atmosphere around a lock and please help with three questions: Why do locks have angled gates? Someone said that the water pressure helps to close them. Is this right? Why do you see water pouring through closed gates? Is that just a leak? I was at the beautiful Thames at Goring and wonder why the boats cannot just use the wider part of the River? You see I need some education. Best regards Alan
  3. Thank you and for making it clear, Best Alan
  4. Hello I noticed during a summer holiday in Tenerife that it got dark rather earlier than it would do in England. I thought that being nearer the equator, it would stay lighter till later in the day. Please explain in simple terms or an animation recommendation might help me. Regards to all Alan
  5. It was me that started this post which seems (happily) to have enlarged somewhat. Thank you all, it's good to know that people will help others. Best to all of you. Alan Thanks for this everyone, you helped me with my initial question which seems (happily) to have expanded. Best to all. Alan
  6. Yes thank you for replying, however the dial on the right does not seem to reconcile with the digital read out. Is it Kwh? does not seem to be. Regards Alan
  7. Hello all, I am a non science person, just joined. Can some kind person help me find out what the circular dial on the right side of my Imperial digital Parkinson Cowan gas meter represents. Kwhs? units? While researching the internet for an answer, I have come across abbreviations: 1 eu.tt and cu.tt (oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/sites...website). What are these please? I would be most grateful for help and if you don't mind, could you please tell me where to find my post when I log in to get any answers. Regards Alan
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