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Everything posted by Willie71
We seem to be experiencing the principles described by Chris Mooney. http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/03/chris-mooney-republican-brain-science-denial We are asking Tar to do something he might not actually be capable of. The republican Brain by Chris Mooney is a recommended read for want one who debates conservatives, whether Isis, American Republicans, or Hescetic Jews. They can deny reality, and strengthen their belief in mythology in ways now better u derstood by neuroscience and psychology.
Tar, I am a mental health professional. What you posted is nonsense. Obfuscation, avoidance, deflection, and solipsism. How about you answer the questions rather than claiming "poor me?" Republicans can be so avoidant of personal responsibility, and so sensitive.
I think it's easier to try to find Republicans who sometimes do the right thing. I nominate Nikki Haley (sp.) she called for the removal of the confederate flag, and called Trump out on Xenophobia. Don't know much else about her. Kasich talks in complete sentences, doesn't appear to have had a stroke, and didn't bankrupt his state.nhe is ok with gay marriage too. I can see why republicans think he's a socialist/communist.
Tar, instead of providing rambling anecdotes, can you lease cite some evidence that the republicans are actually interested in things like fiscal responsibility, veterans, or the working class? I understand that the republicans have been trying to convince people for 40 years that academics and science is part of a liberal conspiracy. I'm asking you for a moment, just a moment consider that it's not a conspiracy, and that the republican policies are not supportable with evidence? And that they use the conspiracy idea to hide their agenda? What would that do to your world view?
I suspect you misunderstood what the sports clinic was telling you, or are misrepresenting what they said. What is the republican plan for poverty? Trickle down economics? That is a proven farce. Cutting everyone off of assistance? That results in an increase in the homeless population, crime, and prostitution. You use the rhetoric "dependency" yet it has been shown that the vast majority if people using assistance only do so temporarily. Please Tar, enlighten us with the republican plan. We have been waiting for 40 to 50 years, and there hasn't been one. Republicans and critical thinking: https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/post/texas-gop-rejects-critical-thinking-skills-really/2012/07/08/gJQAHNpFXW_blog.html You really can't make this shit up. Tar considers himself part of the team that hates critical thinking to the point of wanting to ban it. Yet he claims it's the "others" that lack critical thinking skills.
So it's not Obamacare that is the problem, it's that the insurance companies are not regulated from gouging people so they can make more profit. Obama wanted regulation on rates, but guess who opposed it. Republicans.
What people are telling you, and you don't seem to hear, is that people want a government that represents the people, not just the 400 wealthiest families in the country. You conflate your interests as being the same as their interests. Obama has used fewer executive orders than either Reagan or Bush. You must have really hated their politics. So he's weak, but doesn't get pushed around by opposition and government shutdown. More doublespeak. Trump is strong because he does things his way, but Obama is unpatriotic because he does things his way. Tar, what is your opposition to Obamacare? What is it that is bad?
Wolf-pack is getting a lot of support at the state level, where the corruption is less advanced. Interestingly, they have had both democrats and republicans work towards the Ammendment, as the politicians don't want to have to make policy based on bribes. It's a bipartisan movement. It was smart to focus at the state level, as the federal level is too far corrupted to gain traction. Tar, it's not relevant if we like or dislike something. Really, it isn't. What is relevant is that I do not believe I should control what you like. I don't want to regulate anal sex, or any other sex. The Republican Oarty wants to regulate people's personal choices, another example of the doublespeak of the freedom agenda. The only freedom they advocate is freedom to be bigots. They see democrats restricting bigotry as being oppressed. You should not legislate morality, as it is subjective. Ethics, however are objective based on the ethical system being utilized. Which ethical system should be used can be debated, however,
Until the money is removed from American politics, the oligarchy will continue. I believe Obama wanted to scale back the war, but it would have been political suicide. Same with regulating Wall Street. This is why Hillary can't promise much either. There needs to be a political revolution. Wolf-pac.com is one strategy. Larry Lessig was run out of the debate. Bernie us calling for the political revolution. Whether he can succeed if elected depends on whether people stay motivated, and elect people to congress and the senate who are for the revolution. By himself, he can't do it. So changing the empire to represent more than 1% and be more benign internationally never entered your mind? It's either for us or against us?
Tar, you must be aware of this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy
I can't make sense out of this. Should I be able to go to a national park, stake out a claim, and say the land us mine? I'm not aware of any Black Lives Matter occupation. Regarding the use of violence/nonviolence, nonviolence is way more effective. If you can get 3.5% of the population behind the movement, success is almost guaranteed. This is why the establishment is frightened to death of Sanders. I agree that the majority of the responsibility falls on Bush, but Obama did take major campaign donations from the military industrial complex, and has continued the counterproductive drone strike program. I agree that Republicans are averse to personal responsibility. It's a core personality trait it seems, as is an ability to admit fault. They see admitting fault as weakness. The emotional maturity is stunted at about the grade three level. They see the bully as being strong, us vs. them is the normal, and talking back to real authority is cool.
I am not a democrat, especially not an Obama/Clinton democrat. My political views are more center left, democratic socialist. I am not American either, but that's not really the point anyway. The American system is very unnatural as it forces a black and white polarized political discussion. Left and right are a continuum, not an either/or. In addition to left and right, there is also the authoritarian/populist continuum. Did you miss the question mark?
The point is not having to kill anyone. In the last century, civil disobedience gas resulted in far greater change than armed insurrection. I was shocked when I looked at that evidence, but it was there, black and white, clear as day.
Tar, again, Republican Party, ie. Cruz, Carson, Trump. Not you specifically. If you aren't racist, maybe you aren't aligned with the Republican Party?
The politics of Syria. Interview by Abby Martin.
Tar, the democrats are not innocent either. They are less problematic than the republicans, as they use less racist/bigoted propaganda, and do have some socially progressive views. Economically, the new way democrats are right wing, but not as far right as the republicans. As to the power imbalance under Sanders, his plan is to restore self governance to the region. This is a three generation solution. Stopping the invasion which fuels the instability is just one step of many. I'll link another Abby Martin video on the politics in Syria which is quite complicated. Tar, thank you for watching the video and not dismissing it outright. The fellow being interviewed was part of the machine responsible for the Iraq war, and seemed to be telling the truth on what happened.
Tar, you must know how insurance works, no? You pay your premiums so you will not have to fork over $100,000.00 in an emergency. That's why people have insurance. You might find this interesting. Someone from within the military industrial complex is interviewed by Abby Martin. He explains the business of war. I don't think a republican minded individual could watch this without their head exploding. It contradicts every piece of propaganda they gave bought into for decades. [/toutube]
Tar, the actual numbers of deaths at the hand of radical Muslims is way out of proportion to the military spending to deal with the problem. Yes, fear mongering gets people to sign off on the obscene military budget, and give up their rights under the patriot act. An average of 15 people per year inside the US are killed by muslim radicals. That is the number identified by the CIA. That results in 30 billion in bombs for Syria next year. That is just Syria and bombs, not ships, planes, soldiers etc. How many hundreds of thousands of Americans die each year because of inadequate medical care, but you can't spend a few billion on improving the situation? What type of sick psychopath thinks this is reasonable? Do you know what democratic socialism is? Government takeover of industry? No way. Public services such as health care, corrections, medical research, social services, veterans affairs shouldn't be profit based. When working with vulnerable populations, the social safety net needs to be in place. There needs to be checks and balances to prevent corruption, or misspending, but a profit motive in a monopolistic system guarantees shitty services. The cycle of cutting services/increasing premiums and deductibles never ends. Prescription drug abuse leading to heroine abuse? Republican policy that gave big pharma the power to regulate itself and set prices with no negotiation was a crappy idea. Pushing highly addictive substances in cases where they weren't warranted results in clients who are dependent on the doctors who get kickbacks from big pharma, and make profit on the suffering, and big pharma rakes in the cash. This is why a profit motive is a bad idea with a vulnerable population. This is what happens with the deregulation idea republicans continue to push. It's an ethical nightmare to concurrently run a business and provide health care. I know this first hand as I am a private health care provider for a service our conservative government defunded years ago. Another example of turning over public services to the private sector. What could go wrong? Hmmm, permanent mental disabilities in thousands of people?
I do not trust people who polute drinking water to have greater profits, who fear monger about Muslims so more bombs can be sold, or people who will price fix the cost of drugs, eliminating competition (free market principles.) there is amp,e evidence that they do not value the wellbeing of the average citizen, but see them as dupes to exploit. Other countries are less corrupt, have better regulations, and as a result have higher standards of living, higher levels of health and education, and higher levels of life satisfaction. It's like you think it's either the American way, or USSR type fascism/communism. Democratic socialism has historically provided the highest standards of living in the world. Is this a trick question? Sanders wants a coalition of nations, primarily Arab nations to deal with their problems. He doesn't believe in American Exceptionalism, imperialism, or manifest destiny. He doesn't believe that there are Old Testament prophesies unfolding in the Middle East as we speak, nor that gog and Magog need to be dealt with in the Middle East (like Bush did.) put someone like Cruz, Carson, or Huckabee in power, and they will make decisions based on the Old Testament, rather than military intelligence, and modern understandings of strategic interventions.
The bundys are trying to take over the land, not the government. The wealthy controlling government is not new, but is taken to much higher levels with the American system which has been shown to you repeatedly throughout this thread. Since the mid 70's, policy has not been aligned with public opinion. This is fact. This has been worsened with citizens United, a bizarre Orwellian name for oligarchy.
Re-read my post. I said the Republican Party, not republicans. They want to use the infrastructure created under the new deal, but not pay appropriate taxes to maintain it. Guys like the Bundys want to take for free, at gun point, things that are maintained through taxes. There is more to the Republican Party, or being a republican, than your personal beliefs on the matter.
Republican corporatization of America: This is the root of the problems, the starting point which all of the other problems branch out from.
Ok, it's a start. Personal responsibility. Everyone agrees here. Strong military: how strong, and can you afford it? Is what you have financially sustainable? Christian values: violation of the constitution. This is a problem. Smaller government: talking point. Reagan grew government more than anyone else in recent history. Bush degree the military, and gave the patriot act, an obscene growth of government power. Private insurance. This is code for crony capitalism and corporate profits (I think you are referring to health care.) Less government interference with private business: this resulted in numerous health and environmental catastrophes. Without government regulations, we would still have leaded paint and gas, asbestos insulation, and currently, water quality and geologic stability from fracking are unknowns. When corporate profits are the only goal, us peasants are expendable. Free market operation: no such thing. The republican plan results in monopolies, and crony advantages. It's a nice idea, but has never really existed, and it is not what the republicans actually support in policy. The right to bear arms: you ignored the well regulated militia part. Is this practical? Look at the buddy fiasco. They were taken down by cops, not even the military. Time to lose the fantasy. I support guns as tools, and sporting items, but self protection, and government overthrow are myths, Fight against global terrorism: start with American terrorism, removing the fuel for the other terrorists. Private property and protection of personal wealth: you need banking reforms to protect your investments, and protect you from property value abnormalities through the bubbles the bankers create. The republicans are actually supporting less stability for your respurces. This is either uninformed, or psychopathic. Wtf?
The first half supports democratic principles, so another mixed message. Dependence in a code word for lazy minority. If you did a bit of fact spchecking, you would realize most welfare recipients are temporary users. Drug addiction? Public provided early treatment is the most economical option. Early childhood programs like hot breakfast at school pay for themselves by a factor of 100. Yet you think that fosters dependency. Addictions aren't character flaws, they are medical conditions that require treatment. Why the desire to not include the inner city? You want to ignore the very real issue of the social/genetic lottery? Just because you have white privilege doesn't mean everyone has the same opportunities. The Republican Party expects to be part of the club without paying their dues. It's a hypocritical position.
Tar, there seems to be a disconnect between what you believe the Republican Party stands for, and what they actually stand for. It's hard to follow your posts, since they have a mish mash idea salad that is incongruent, and contradicts itself. It's like trying to make sense of Sarah Palin. The talking points are there, but not in any structured form. Can you post a list, say 10 points, outlining what you think the Republican Party stands for? Try to fact check them please. I think you are holding on to an idea of what the Republican Party is that is no longer true.