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Everything posted by dan19_83

  1. here's a game I stumbled across. try and get the dark grey block out of the square through the entrance. It'll make better sense when you play. As far as I know there are around 40 or so levels!! goodluck http://www.corwin.ca/gridlock/
  2. here's one that look a bit cheaper. happy bday! http://shop2.chemassociates.com/shopsite/Chemassoc2/PAS-gallium.html?OVRAW=gallium&OVKEY=gallium&OVMTC=standard
  3. cheers folks. I guess good ole HCl will have to do!!
  4. Last week I was filtering a high concentration solution of H2SO4 solution with some standard filter paper. Once this was done, I placed it in a oven at around 110 degrees C to dry. When I took it out after about twenty minutes, I noticed that the filter paper had changed to a black colour and that it had degraded and of course I had lost my damn results! Does anybody know what is happening here? I've also try this with Nitric acid and HCl and my results have worked out ok.
  5. dan, 21, absent
  6. 1. not sure 2. Bubble wrap 3. Honey 4. not sure 5. moulded bread 6. candy floss
  7. P(A|B) is the probability of A (sum of two throws = 6) given that B (a 6 was thrown in the first throw) has already occured. So if you throw for a second time then the value of the two throws will always be bigger than six. therefore the probability is zero.
  8. But if B happens, doesn't that mean it is impossible for A to happen? you've already thrown 6 so another throw will give a sum greater than 6.
  9. http://mathforum.org/dr.math/faq/faq.euler.equation.html try this link. the second proof of euler's equation seems to be the one you are looking for. It says further on down to just replace x with pi to prove your equation. I can't follow it that well but i hope it makes more sense to you!
  10. dan19_83


    Has anybody heard the new song by the chemical brothers? I think it's good.
  11. Molarity is measured in moles per litre. Basically if you want to find the molarity of your NaOH solution, divide the amount of NaOH added (in grams) by the molecular weight of NaOH (40g/mol). Then divide this answers by the volume of water (in litres) to get your molarity.
  12. a guy walks into a bar and asks for no less than ten wiskeys. as quickly as they were put in front of him, he floored them back his throat. the bartender in amazment asks: 'why did you do that?!' the guy says: 'if you knew what i had you'd do it too' the bartender jumps back in disgust (thinking he has some disease) and asks: what do you have'. the guy says: only one euro
  13. ok, i've been on a month so i thought i say hello. as the username would suggest my name is dan (how original!) culloty and i'm from the most laid back country in the world, ireland! currently in my last year of industrial chemistry, i actually joined the forum because of the brain teasers (sad i know) but this forum is way way cooler than that!
  14. On a side note, here's a quick quiz. What volume (in percent) do these three items take up in a typical landfill? 1. Polystyrene 2. Disposable Nappies/Diapers! 3. Fast Food Waste This was ask at an environmentalist conference and they were way off. Take a guess (in percent, don't forget) and i'll post the answers in a few days.
  15. I thought i could get everyones thoughts on this massive problem in the world today. I'm not sure if people are even interested in talking about this but i said i'd check anyway!! Here in Ireland, we are quickly running out of landfill space to put all our waste. what are we going to do? Is incineration the way to go? I want to know if the rest of the world has this kind of problem.
  16. thanks a million, that's a big starting point anyway. you've been a big help cheers
  17. is there a simple way to change a feedback system to a feedforward system? I don't know much about chemical engineering (or any thing else for that matter!). do ye need to see what the system looks like?
  18. If you can give me the trace then that would be great but if that's too much then the peaks and there intensities would be great. thanks
  19. The simple ones always seems to get me!! any hints?
  20. I've been looking for an XRD of Aluminium Oxide (Al2O3) to compare it with an XRD i've done myself, problems is I can't find one on the internet anywhere. Anyone have any ideas? If anyone knows where the peaks would occur between 0 and 70 degrees then that would be a big help too. cheers
  21. the number one is 46657. [(n to the power of n) plus 1] where n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. that's a good one. the word one i haven't yet though
  22. one of my friends figured it out. i won't say the answer though, i'll leave it for others to figure out. good one though.
  23. this was a good one, i must say. it came to me when i registered that both one and two have three letters in them!! 3, 3, 5, 4, 4, 3, 5, 5, 4, 3 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!
  24. let x be = to price of 100 'party favors!' 100(x) = 95(x+4) is x = 76? I'm probably wrong!
  25. here's a guess. the sequence starts 0, 3, 3, 5, 4, so its +3, -0, +2, -1 so the next few sequences would be +1, -2, +0, -3 and so on. is the next number 5?
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