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    Psychology, physics, hermeneutics

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  1. What is an "airgap"?An "air gap" is a figure of speech meaning an isolating medium.What do you mean by "permeable... to energy transmission"?Are slow particles capable reacting to tachyon particles in such a way that would result in any sort of proportional change occurring in both as a result of the interaction?Energy does not "travel through particles via waves."I believe it does: Energy during transmission produces a waveform made of discreet energy packets. We call these energy packets particles.Not all particles, other than photons, have mass. Gluons, for example.Thanks. I didn't consider elemental particles for some reason.What do you mean by "measured by particle velocity"?Energy travels via oscillating wave. We measure the characteristics of the waveform by counting how many peaks are present per length of time to determine its frequency and how high the peaks are to determine amplitude. These peaks can also be referred to as particles depending on the context. As far as I know, photons are the only particles that can travel at the velocity of c, right?What do you mean by "channel energy into mass-bound particles"?React in such a way that would result in any sort of proportional change occurring between a tachyon and a slow particle?What do you mean by "mass-bound particles"?A particle with mass (that can not have a velocity faster than approaching the speed of light.)What do you mean by "excite exotic matter into measurability"?Produce a wave function that can be reliably detected and measured i.e. observed.What do you mean by "2-way matter-energy processing bottleneck"?If it is possible for tachyon particles to interact with slow particles, and its occurrence is more or less probable upon certain conditions, as we approach the conditions that would increase the probability, there would be more interactivity between tachyon and slow particles.What does this have to do with the Higgs field?I was asking the same question. Thanks for your response.
  2. How permeable do you think the "air gap" between tachyon particles and slow particles are to energy transmission? i.e. tachyon particle waves incidentally interacting with our lame by comparison slow particles. self.askscience If the below is too long feel free to pretend it doesn't exist. I'm just providing further context into the question if anyone is interested. So energy travels through particles via waves. And since particles have mass, with the exception of photons, the velocity of any wave when measured by particle velocity would never exceed c, right? But if tachyon waves do exist would it be possible that even if only in limited circumstances, such as when particles collide at nearing light speeds, that stray "tachyon particle waves" may find the right mass-bound slow particles to excite and thereby result in a class of exotic "inverted-matter?" It seems if even however rare, which I don't necessarily believe it to be, there would still be a variety of prevailing observable and seemingly sporadic effects--all with a common mechanism of action. If true, what implications do you guys think this would have? I imagine the permeability of the air gap between tachyon particles and slow particles may explain, among many other things, why mass increases with velocity. Also, any experts on the Higgs Field have any thought on this? Thanks for reading. I'll value any responses, even bad and malicious ones.
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