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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Theoretical physics

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  1. What I see. Within 15 years you will not recognize this world! Two major splits. Religious & spiritual groups forming around the world drifting toward primitive tribal lifestyles in the wilderness. Techies & scientifically minded begin migrating off planet as commercial space tourism & space stations reach full swing.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Theoretical


      As for the religious folks, they'll stay here till the ends of earth waiting for their Jesus to show up in the clouds or the muslim's Mahdi. smh

    3. Theoretical


      Other news that indicates a major shift on Earth is autonomous vehicles. Car industry says within 3 years all major car manufacturers will offer at least 1 autonomous vehicle. The past week there was a big announcement on a quantum CPU. Look at the fight for dominance in AI between Google, Microsoft, Apple & hundreds of other major companies.

    4. Theoretical


      The day us humans fear, which we really shouldn't, called SINGULARITY, is almost here!! I'd highly highly recommend people get a good news app such as Flipboard & subscribe to the tech, science, future science, AI news boards. The amount of recent news is insane. In 15 years you'll see cars driving & flying themselves, AI Synths in homes comparable to the tv series Humans, people living in earth's orbit ...

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