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Everything posted by Commander

  1. Yes if Q x e7 + is next then k - f5 No, but it can not do anything !
  2. TY studiot ! If B7 x b is the first move then Black can play say n x B What next : The resulting position is :
  3. Hi Q-d5+ answered by bxQ
  4. Hi Bf4 Check will be responded by rxB ! Then what next ? Hi, It has only one Solution ! The problem with Re3+ is be4+ Hi Re3+ will be replied with be4+
  5. White moves to mate in two ! What is the first move ?
  6. This is what I wrote before the Election : USA the Most Powerful Nation Must be lead with due Caution Preventing Global Disaster Without Noise and Bluster By any ABC, Trump or Clinton There was a Man called Trump Whose Lies no one could Lump His Secret Sins got Spilled Many a Hearts he Chilled So ended up a sore Grump Now I am wondering what to write next !
  7. It depends on what is meant by 'most important' !
  8. Hi Anita, Well done I'll post my notes here soon
  9. Hi all, No more attempts at resolving this ?
  10. Thank you folks for all your inputs !
  11. Oh OK then that too comes under the same category ! Strange pl note !
  12. Hi Thank you so much for throwing light and knowledge on the subject ! I am sure it will be a tough proposition having defeated many attempts ! Yes I did refer to the Common Cold ! I do think that those are further development to Cold. Like if I have a severe Cold but still take a headbath I might land up with pneumonia ! Flu is different though ! My experience suggests that those who are not attacked by any severe category disease too are unable to face COMMON CHRONIC COLD in old age ! Whether in Hot or cold climate ! Cold & nose blockage etc leading to severe breathing problems etc.
  13. I believe one of the terminating ILLNESS for Human Beings particularly in their OLD AGE is the very Popular COLD and its Manifestations ! I understand COLD is a Virus ! Don't we require to channelize all our energy to FIGHT THIS VIRUS with concentrated Research and Scientific Efforts ! Something like a VACCINE or CURE to Remove this Virus from Earth or at least from Human Beings ! Just Brainstorming here !
  14. Comment withdrawn
  15. MODEL needs to represent REALITY exactly to qualify for being a 100 % Model If this 100% Model is used to observe that Reality by 100% sane, logical & unbiased Observers, then this Group of Observers will accept this Model as TRUE However TRUTH about Reality will be only perceived / understood RELATIVELY by ALL as it needs 100% understanding of the Definitions of the Model, 100% ability to apply it on the Reality and 100% ability to interpret, mathematically analyze and assimilate the Observed Results !
  16. Thank you Strange !
  17. Fluctuations in the Intensity of a Force being measured at a distance will appear as a WAVE ! Which is nothing but a variation in the Field Intensity. The causing Mass which happens to be a pair of rotating Black holes creates this fluctuations. Whether it is Instantaneous or Acting at a Distance or Continuous or whether a Wave travels etc does not matter and still the same end result will be observed. This is my humble submission WHICH NEED NOT BE TRUE and I say this without any wherewithal TO READ AND ABSORB each and every EXISTING PAPERS on the Subject and therefore would not like to be CRITICISED or HECKLED for this post. Obviously I will welcome reactions from friends who would like to GUIDE ME in my line of thinking !
  18. Based on the observed signals, LIGO scientists estimate that the black holes for this event were about 29 and 36 times the mass of the sun, and the event took place 1.3 billion years ago. About 3 times the mass of the sun was converted into gravitational waves in a fraction of a second -- with a peak power output about 50 times that of the whole visible universe. By looking at the time of arrival of the signals -- the detector in Livingston recorded the event 7 milliseconds before the detector in Hanford -- scientists can say that the source was located in the Southern Hemisphere. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.3 billion years ago ? Interesting !
  19. Prove it in nature . What sort of PROOF is TENABLE ?
  20. My condolences to you dear ..... It is very rare to find TRUE FRIENDSHIP in life ! It is very hard to overcome such a loss too. May God help you !
  21. Thank you Fiveworlds !
  22. TAR : You got me there. Well done. Well played ! Regards, Thomas
  23. TAR : Now this : | | | | | | | | | Regards, Thomas
  24. TAR : Let me try : | | | | | | | | | | | Regards , Thomas
  25. Hi, there was an error on the initial board You need to move now.from : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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