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Everything posted by Commander

  1. It all depends on what you think God is and what you think you yourself are ! Work it out from there ! Don't get worked up !
  2. Strange : You think that you have every Right to be alive Tomorrow : Can you give me Proof and Evidence for it ! I think I will be alive only if it is God's Will ! That's all the difference. We are in the same boat as far as EVIDENCE is concerned !
  3. Though all of us are linked with God and Universe through different Logical Structures like Family Tree, Church and Community , Social Media and Forums like Science Forum God has definitely given a FREE WILL to each Living Entity [especially Man / Woman] and the best Relation with God is Direct and not through others. We are all Instruments in God's Hand and He can use everyone of us as He pleases and Cause Each one or a Group to think and formulate a Plan / Action etc. Having said this I can see all the Anguish and Logically Fallacious Situation you are facing and explaining about. Always SEEK GOD and HIS HELP and do not get put off by others WHOEVER IT MAY BE !
  4. I have not gone into the full details of the Migration Problem and why these People are in such dire needs ! I read recently that many Followers of Christianity were killed in Syria and a Video of cutting off the heads of People buried neck deep was circulated. Therefore I think most of these Migrants may be those who are being religiously persecuted. If European Countries are Economically advanced and are able to cope with this influx and are Magnanimous enough to accommodate these Migrants IT WILL BE A GREAT GESTURE and the World should be Proud of the Nations which do such HUMANITARIAN SERVICE ! Also it is SAD that we have Political Entities like ISIS which have contributed to such Miseries around the World !
  5. If I had asked what comes after 0 . 4 , 18 , 48 , ? and specify that f(1) = 0 ; f(2) = 4 ; f(3) = 18 ; f(4) = 48 Then the answer can be 100 and the Polynomial f(x) can be f(x) = x3 - x2 Similar Polynomial will be the solution to the Puzzle in the context ! It is not very complicated !
  6. Well if the Polynomial is : f(x) = (x-0) (x-7) (x-28) (x-69) (x-500) then f(1) = (1-0) (1-7) (1-28) (1-69) (1-500) = (1) (-6) (-27) (-68) (-499) which is obviously not = 0 Therefore f(1) is not = 0 and the puzzle is not solved by this Polynomial ! May be with this new input you can design the Polynomial to solve it. You can do it !
  7. I am not missing any point. You might be right and have solved the puzzle perhaps. Just tell what is the number and don't worry about giving clues to others. You be the first to solve it. And state what is the Polynomial function f(x) which satisfies the puzzle. I think you can do it soon !
  8. OK, then do give a number for the fifth slot and the Polynomial Equation which holds. Then if needed , I can give what number I get on that fifth spot and you can give a Polynomial for it, BTW I think you are on the RIGHT TRACK ! We are not talking about listing the roots of the Polynomial Equations in order which ends the series. This series will go on for ever though it suffices for you to find the fifth element and when you give the Polynomial it will prove that you can derive every further member of the series. That means A B C D E F etc which stand for one positive integer each like 0 7 28 69 ? ? etc and A = f (x) with x = 1 and f (x) being the Polynomial. Similarly f(x) takes values of B C D E etc where f(2) = B ; f(3) = C ; f(4) = D ; f(5) = E etc ....
  9. Sorry John there was an error in my Puzzle which I have corrected. Please reconcile !
  10. What comes next in the Series : There may be many Logical Solutions. But to make it limited we declare that it is a serial function where f (1) = 0 ; f (2) = 7 ; f (3) = 28 ; f (4) = 69 and ? = f (5) What is the Function and What should be the value of f (5) Any Function which satisfies the first four numbers ie 0 , 7 , 28 , 69 for f (1) , f (2) , f (3) , f (4) will be accepted !
  11. I am trying to solve without clicking on any of the hints but no answer is coming up yet. Can it be a series of these symbols or Acronyms like School College or even Court Supreme Court etc are the chain of thoughts ! I refuse to click even the first hint but I do read that this puzzle was presented to many in the Corporate Interviews and NO ONE HAS SO FAR SOLVED without any Hint. That makes it quite Special and is worth attempting without recourse to ANY HINTS ! Another point catching my attention is : What is that XL IX written over there. Will ponder more .........
  12. Acme : Thanks and it’s nice to share interesting Puzzles ! The Knight’s 16 Moves and 17 Moves on the Six-Square Chess Board is not that tough once you are given that there is a solution. We do division calculations as explained below. As an example 123 x 456 = 56088 and a whole division of 56088 by 123 is carried out in the following steps. 123 ) 56088 ( 456 492 ---- 688 615 ---- 738 738 Take enough digits starting Left of 56088 greater than 123 and therefore we take 560 and see that 560 / 123 is 4 x123 = 492 plus reminder 68 So we write 4 as the first result digit 492 below 560 and 68 below as shown We bring down 8 which is the next digit of 56088 to make 688 Then similarly 688 / 123 = 5 x 123 = 615 plus remainder 73 is shown next bringing the last digit 8 alongside 73 to make 738 and the next step of 6 x 123 = 738 ends the division without a remainder. A Puzzle can be made out of this we can make the following pattern calling it ‘Three 3s’ letting only the 3s to be visible and # stands for any digit except 0 and $ stands for any digit including 0. #$3 ) #$$$$$ ( #$$ #$$ ---- #$$ #$$ ---- #3$ #3$ The solver has to find the possibility of replacing #s and $s suitably to recreate all digits of the ORIGINAL DIVISION SUM above. The exposed three 3s may or may not give enough logical clues for this and also there may be more than one solutions. The Seven 7s Problem is similar to this but a larger perfect division. There could be more than seven 7s in the Solution but these 7s exposed are sufficient to logically work out the other digits and the Solution is Unique !
  13. Just worked out the moves for 16 Lines and 17 Lines ! It is not that difficult !
  14. Hi Acme, Yes, I see the Errors in my Patterns and I am surprised how I missed these obvious violations. Sorry, I did not verify thinking that there won't be a clash by switching interchangeably 3 & 5 and 4 & 6 and missed the effect of 2 with 3 and 6 with 7 which led to my Errors.
  15. Perhaps these are the 16 Unique Patterns possible :
  16. Well done Acme ! You have done it quite quickly ! +1 from my side Are there any more solutions ? We observe that no other number than 1 or 8 can occupy the central spots. Therefore there won't be any other solutions except variations with 1 & 8 at these spots.
  17. No, it will not exist or be so unless HE allows that. Will the Robot I created need to believe in me ?
  18. He can do anything but will do it in the Scientific way ! He makes you and me and every Scientist to think logically and create a new product. In fact God creates that product as we are His Creation. Even if we create a new Life Form and Species which can survive with a different set of ingredients instead of Water, Oxygen etc MAN can not claim Creating it as he himself has been created to create his invention. We are all Instruments in God's Hands and we execute His Powers. If there is a Wound He can let it HEAL or FESTER ON according to his decision though we give credit to the facilitating doctor / medicine. He decides on us WHETHER WE BELIEVE IN HIM OR NOT ! Therefore, He is capable of listening to our requests and responding to it !
  19. Well in my case, what I have put up on my profile URL and many more since then ! Surrender all your Reactions to God and He will direct your Actions !
  20. OK Interesting to note you have this on your signature : God does have to keep the miracles going, or no one would believe that He is real.
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